Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Gathering Feedback for Teaching : Combining High-Quality Observations with Student Surveys and Achievement Gains

Gathering Feedback for Teaching : Combining High-Quality Observations with Student Surveys and Achievement Gains

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation



The School Principal as Leader : Guiding Schools to better Teaching and Learning

The School Principal as Leader : Guiding Schools to better Teaching and Learning

The Wallace Foundation



Does School Autonomy Make Sense Everywhere? Panel Estimates from PISA

Does School Autonomy Make Sense Everywhere? Panel Estimates from PISA

Eric A. Hanushek, Susanne Link & Ludger Woessmann

CESifo Group



La remédiation scolaire en Communauté française. Quelles pratiques en vue de réduire l'échec scolaire ?

La remédiation scolaire en Communauté française. Quelles pratiques en vue de réduire l'échec scolaire ?

Nathalie Cobbaut

Fondation Roi Baudouin



Les indicateurs de l'enseignement en Belgique n°6 édition 2011

Les indicateurs de l'enseignement en Belgique n°6 édition 2011

Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique



Learning Denied: The Case for Equitable Access to Effective Teaching in California’s Largest School District

Learning Denied: The Case for Equitable Access to Effective Teaching in California’s Largest School District

Education Trust



The Long-Term Impacts of Teachers: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood

The Long-Term Impacts of Teachers: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood

Raj Chetty, john N. Friedman, Jonah E. Rockoff




Formats pédagogiques et configuration de l'activité collective à l'école primaire

Formats pédagogiques et configuration de l'activité collective à l'école primaire

Philippe Veyrunes
Université de Toulouse 2, Unité Mixte de Recherche « Education, Formation, Travail, Savoirs »



Κυριακή 22 Ιανουαρίου 2012

School Leadership & Management

School Leadership & Management

Vol. 35, n°5, décembre 2011

Editorial, Christopher Chapman
Changing workloads of primary school teachers: ‘I seem to live on the edge of chaos’, Sue Bridges & Annette Searle
Job satisfaction among secondary school teachers: the role of gender and experience, Maria Eliophotou Menon & Anastasia Athanasoula-Reppa
The relevance of ‘personal mastery’ to leadership: the case of school principals in Singapore, Kala S. Retna
The director of education as a leader of pedagogical issues: a study of leadership in municipal educational sector activities, Stephan Rapp
A study of the relationships between distributed leadership, teacher academic optimism and student achievement in Taiwanese elementary schools, I-Hua Chang
The village school context and principalship in Hong Kong: what do they contribute to leadership studies?, Ping-Man Wong


Journal of Curriculum Studies

Journal of Curriculum Studies

Vol. 43, n°6, décembre 2011

Curriculum reform and reproducing inequality in upper-secondary education, Lisl Fenwick
Curriculum debate and policy change, Ole Elgström & Mats Hellstenius
Structuralism’s relevance in a post-structural era: Re-visiting research on multicultural curricular studies, Jenna Min Shim
Teachers’ perceptions of the curricula of the Soviet and post-Soviet eras: A case study of Estonian pre-school teachers, Maire Tuul, Aino Ugaste & Rain Mikser
Beyond logic and argument analysis: Critical thinking, everyday problems and democratic deliberation in Cambridge International Examinations’ Thinking Skills curriculum, Leonel Lim
The role of extracurricular activities in active citizenship education, Filiz Keser, Hanife Akar & Ali Yildirim


Journal of Education Policy (JEP)

Journal of Education Policy (JEP)

Vol. 27, n°1, janvier 2012

Policy options for Turkey: a critique of the interpretation and utilization of PISA results in Turkey, Bekir S. Gür, Zafer Çelik & Murat Özoğlu
Towards an education approach à la finlandaise? French education policy after PISA, Michael Dobbins & Kerstin Martens
Partnership for improving outcomes in Indigenous education: relationship or business?, Zane Ma Rhea
Incentives to exclude: the political economy constraining school fee abolition in South Africa, Lee E. Nordstrum
Pick ’n’ mix, select and project; policy borrowing and the quest for ‘world class’ schooling: an analysis of the 2010 schools White Paper, Paul Morris
Framing and selling global education policy: the promotion of public–private partnerships for education in low-income contexts, Antoni Verger
Why the McKinsey reports will not improve school systems, Frank Coffield


Oxford Review of Education

Oxford Review of Education

Vol. 37, n°6, décembre 2011

Management, skills and creativity: the purpose and value of instrumental reasoning in education discourse, Howard Gibson
Scottish higher education, 1987–2001: expansion through diversion, Cristina Iannelli, Adam Gamoran & Lindsay Paterson
Social studies and citizenship for participation in Singapore: how one state seeks to influence its citizens, Jasmine B.-Y. Sim
The ecology of young children’s behaviour and social competence: child characteristics, socio-economic factors and parenting, Dimitra Hartas
Individualisation and social exclusion: the case of young people not in education, employment or training, Ron Thompson
Ethnography’s capacity to contribute to the cumulation of theory: a response to Hillyard, Martyn Hammersley
Ethnography’s capacity to contribute to the cumulation of theory: a response to Hammersley, Sam Hillyard


Oxford Review of Education

Oxford Review of Education

Vol. 37, n°5, octobre 2011

Political and philosophical perspectives on education. Part 2

Introduction: Political and philosophical perspectives on education. Part 2, Christopher Brooke & Elizabeth Frazer
Rousseau’s philosophy of transformative, ‘denaturing’ education, Patrick Riley
Educational theory and the social vision of the Scottish Enlightenment, Ryan Patrick Hanley
Mary Wollstonecraft and Catharine Macaulay on education, Elizabeth Frazer
Education and Utopia: Robert Owen and Charles Fourier, David Leopold
Harriet Martineau and the Unitarian tradition in education, Ruth Watts
J. S. Mill on education, Alan Ryan
Feminist thinking on education in Victorian England, Laura Schwartz
‘Affection in Education’: Edward Carpenter, John Addington Symonds and the politics of Greek love, Josephine Crawley Quinn & Christopher Brooke


Journal of Computer Assited Learning (JCAL)

Journal of Computer Assited Learning (JCAL)

Vol. 28, n°1, février 2012

Quality in e-learning

User-oriented quality for OER: understanding teachers' views on re-use, quality, and trust, K.I. Clements and J.M. Pawlowski
Enhancing e-learning quality through the application of the AKUE procedure model, C. Bremer
Quality in e-learning: a framework for promoting and assuring quality in virtual institutions, D. Masoumi and B. Lindström
Quality in e-learning – a conceptual framework based on experiences from three international benchmarking projects, E. Ossiannilsson and L. Landgren
Quality assessment and development in the course of the EFMD CEL programme accreditation, C. Meier, S. Seufert and D. Euler
Improving the quality of e-learning: lessons from the eMM, S. Marshall


Revue internationale d'éducation - Sèvres

Revue internationale d'éducation - Sèvres

N° 58, décembre 2011

Les ONG et l'éducation

Dossier coordonné par Sandra Barlet (GRET) avec Jean-Pierre Jarousse

Les ONG et l'éducation dans les pays en voie de développement, Sandra Barlet et Jean-Pierre Jarousse
L'impact de l'action d'une ONG sur une politique nationale : l'exemple d'un module de formation des enseignants au Cambodge, Nathalie Dupont, Sothik Hok
Favoriser l'autonomie économique des femmes : l'exemple d'un programme de formation professionnelle en Inde, P.B. Sajeev, Graciela Padoani
Regards croisés sur l'action des ONG en éducation au Sud : table ronde avec S. Barlet, R. Biache, M. Diouf, B. Dumont, A. Gauron, V. Huguenin, J. Marchand, G. Migan
La société civile au service de l'alphabétisation au Maroc : quel engagement pour quels résultats?, Sophie Cerbelle, Mohammed Bougroum
Limites de l'apport de la société civile: l'éducation dans les États fragiles, Thomas Poirier
ONG françaises et éducation : marginalisation ou réagencement? Philippe Ryfman
"Nouvelle" philantropie, capitalisme social et développement international : les nouvelles façons de concevoir le "don", Antonio Olmedo, Stephen J. Ball


Éducation et formations

Éducation et formations

N°80, DÉCEMBRE 2011

Méthodes internationales pour comparer l'éducation et l'équité

"Ce numéro de la revue Éducation & formations recueille des études portant sur les systèmes éducatifs de différents pays membres de l’OCDE. Elles comparent les effectifs d’élèves et d’étudiants, les moyens financiers, les niveaux d’éducation des jeunes, les politiques à l’égard des familles et à l’égard des publics les plus fragiles, les différents traitements de la question de l’équité. Plusieurs articles s’intéressent à la Classification internationale type de l’éducation (CITE), clé des comparaisons internationales de statistiques.

Rédactrices en chef : Nadine Dalsheimer-Van Der Tol et Pascale Poulet-Coulibando


Recherches en didactiques

Recherches en didactiques

N°12, décembre 2011

Actualité des recherches en didactiques

"Ce numéro rassemble des articles issus de didactiques différentes (E.P.S, Français, Mathématiques, Écriture…) et de disciplines de recherche qui dialoguent avec elles autour de quatre grandes questions :
- les savoirs disciplinaires des enseignants et leurs variations selon les parcours des maitres;-
- les effets des dispositifs didactiques sur les performances des élèves ;
- les attentes évaluatives des enseignants selon les institutions et les politiques universitaires ;
- la construction de l'échec scolaire envisagée au-travers des définitions sociales de l'élève."


Carrefours de l'éducation

Carrefours de l'éducation

HS n°2, 2011/4

Carrefours de l'éducation a 15 ans. Mélanges offerts à Claude Carpentier

Carrefours de l'éducation a 15 ans

Carrefours de l'éducation : une histoire, Bruno Poucet
Carrefours de l'éducation : 15 années de publications scientifiques, Philippe Monchaux et Mouhamadou Lamine Ba
Table des articles parus (numéros 1 à 32 et HS 1 et 2)

Mélanges offerts à Claude Carpentier

Claude Carpentier : « Un honnête homme indigné », Jean William Wallet
Quid de l'école du peuple et des différentes strates du système éducatif ?, Claude Lelièvre
L'élitisme républicain : du certificat d'études primaires d'hier aux baccalauréats d'aujourd'hui, Gabriel Langouët
Pédagogie, le constat : le changement ne se fait pas, Jean Houssaye
Apprendre à écrire, quelle histoire !, Brigitte Dancel
Jugements et peines à l'encontre des instituteurs et institutrices sanctionnés pour « fautes professionnelles » par le conseil départemental. L'exemple du département de l'Ain (1886-1913, André D. Robert et Martine Meyer-Crance


Professionnalisation des enseignants roumains et identité professionnelle. Perspective sociologique, Emil Paun
L'enseignement de la lecture et de l'écrit dans la production autobiographique d'enseignants et d'élèves au Brésil (1870-1970),Denice Barbara Catani et Paula Perin Vicentini
Quelle est l'importance des identités religieuses pour les Sud-Africains aujourd'hui ?, Simon Bekker
La transformation de l'éducation universitaire en Afrique du Sud, Anne-Marie Bergh
L'enseignement du Yu Wen en Chine : cours de langue et vecteur idéologique ?, Amélie Mendez


14e Conférence Générale de l'AIU - L’enseignement supérieur et l’agenda mondial: Orientations alternatives pour l’avenir

14e Conférence Générale de l'AIU - L’enseignement supérieur et l’agenda mondial: Orientations alternatives pour l’avenir

13-11-2012 - 16-11-2012

San Juan

Association internationale des universités (AIU - IAU)


ECER 2012 - Freedom, Education and Development for All

ECER 2012 - Freedom, Education and Development for All

18-09-2012 - 21-09-2012


European Educational Research Association (EERA)

Programme :
Major events at the beginning of this millennium, such as the economic crisis, increasing migration, and of people who become refugees, the reorganization of relations between states and transnational agencies and the influence of free communication on the Internet, arise the need to think about the role of Educational Research as means to ensure and enforce freedom and promote education and the comprehensive development of citizens of the whole world.


VIème Congrès Mondial de la MESCE - Éducation et changement social : vers un réel développement humain

VIème Congrès Mondial de la MESCE - Éducation et changement social : vers un réel développement humain

Date : du 01-10-2012 au 03-10-2012

Lieu : Hammamet

Organisation : Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education (MESCE)

Programme :
Ce congrès s'interroge sur la nature des liens qui existent entre éducation et changement lorsque d'une part, ce dernier est subi et d'autre part, lorsqu'il est souhaité. Il s'agira de comprendre en quoi l'éducation peut aider à changer les sociétés et à favoriser ainsi un réel développement humain, inscrit dans la durée, legs précieux que se transmettront les générations futures.

Axe 1 : éducation et changement subi
Axe 2 : éducation et changement souhaité

Τρίτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Starting Strong III A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care

Starting Strong III A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care



PISA 2009 : compétences des jeunes romands : résultats de la quatrième enquête PISA auprès des élèves de 9e année.

PISA 2009 : compétences des jeunes romands : résultats de la quatrième enquête PISA auprès des élèves de 9e année.

Nidegger, Christian (éd.)




Access to Algebra I: The Effects of Online Mathematics for Grade 8 Students

Access to Algebra I: The Effects of Online Mathematics for Grade 8 Students

Jessica B. Heppen, et al.

National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences



PRIME Report 2010 - Problems of Recognition In Making Erasmus

PRIME Report 2010 - Problems of Recognition In Making Erasmus

Justyna Pisera (dir)

Erasmus Student Network (ESN)



Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Synopsis of Indicators. Eurostudent IV 2008-2011

Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Synopsis of Indicators. Eurostudent IV 2008-2011

Dominic Orr, Christoph Gwosc, Nicolai Netz




Eurodoc Survey 1 - The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelwe European Countries

Eurodoc Survey 1 - The First Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelwe European Countries

G. Ates, K. Holländer, N. Koltcheva, S. Krstic, F. Parada




Les processus subjectifs au cœur de la fabrique de la compétence : le cas du sentiment d’efficacité pédagogique

Les processus subjectifs au cœur de la fabrique de la compétence : le cas du sentiment d’efficacité pédagogique

Sandra Safourcade, Seraphin Alava

Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique (Université européenne de Bretagne), UMR Education, Formation, Travail et Savoirs (Université Toulouse le Mirail )



Recherches sur les pratiques enseignantes en mathématiques : apports d'une intégration de diverses approches et perspectives

Recherches sur les pratiques enseignantes en mathématiques : apports d'une intégration de diverses approches et perspectives

Eric Roditi

EDA - Laboratoire EDucation et Apprentissage



La compétence en formation

La compétence en formation

Brigitte Albero, Marc Nagels

Université européenne de Bretagne, Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique



Formats pédagogiques et configuration de l'activité collective à l'école primaire

Formats pédagogiques et configuration de l'activité collective à l'école primaire

Philippe Veyrunes

Université de Toulouse 2, Unité Mixte de Recherche « Education, Formation, Travail, Savoirs »



10th Annual Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) 2012

10th Annual Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) 2012
Last Call for Papers

Dear Colleague,

This is our Last Call for Papers for the 10th Annual Conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) that will be held in Kyustendil, Bulgaria, 12 - 15 June 2012. I am honored to invite you to attend the Conference and submit a paper that will be included in the Conference book, Vol. 10, 2012.

The full paper submission and standard registration deadline is 6 March 2012. As always, the Conference book will be published before the beginning of the Conference.

We hope you will be able to join the wonderful international community our conferences have so far established.

For more information please visit the Conference website:

Δευτέρα 9 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (CIEC)

Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (CIEC)

Vol. 12, n°4, 11-2011

Early Literacy in Contested Spaces

Early Literacy in Contested Spaces, María Paula Ghiso & Tamara Spencer Scribbling away the Ghosts: a Bakhtinian interpretation of preschool writers and the disruption of developmental discourses, Casey Y. Myers & Janice Kroeger
Response to Casey Y. Myers & Janice Kroeger. Challenging Dominant Discourses across Geographies in Early Childhood, Joyce M. Duckles & Joanne Larson
Native Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: choosing language and cultural revitalization over uniformity and standardization, Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz
Response to Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz. Toward ‘Our Ways of Knowing’ in the Age of Standardization, Lourdes Diaz Soto & Simone Tuinhof De Moed
Building on Young Children’s Cultural Histories through Placemaking in the Classroom, Lenny Sánchez
Making Space for Place-making Pedagogies: stretching normative mandated literacy curriculum, response to Lenny Sánchez, Barbara Comber
A Contested Space: the dialogic intersection of ICT, multiliteracies, and early childhood, Sandra Hesterman
On the Human Challenges of Multiliteracies Pedagogy, Rob Simon. Response to Sandra Hesterman
Contextual Worlds of Child Art: experiencing multiple literacies through images, Marni Binder
Response to Marni Binder. Multimodality and Immigrant Children, Gerald Campano & David Low
Accessing Pedagogical Territories that Can’t be Put into Words: using video to build understandings of children’s multimodal meaning-making, Maggie Haggerty
Response to Maggie Haggerty. Beyond the Linguistic: reflecting on video data gathered and interpreted with children, Rebecca Akin
Childhood Inclusion: a postcolonial analysis of pre-service teachers’ professional development and pedagogy in Ghana, Joseph Seyram Agbenyega & Sunanta Klibthong


Policy Futures in Education

Policy Futures in Education

Vol. 9, n°6, 11-2011

The Art of Public Pedagogy

Introduction. The Art of Public Pedagogy: should the ‘truth’ dazzle gradually or thunder mightily?, Brian McKenna & Antonia Darder
Breaking into the Movies: public pedagogy and the politics of film, Henry Giroux
Radio and the Art of Resistance: a public pedagogy of the airwaves, Antonia Darder
Mascot Politics, Public Pedagogy, and Social Movements: alternative media as a context for critical media literacy, Joe Feria-Galicia
Public Anthropology as Public Pedagogy: an autobiographical account, Sam Beck
Staging a Christopher Columbus Play in a Culture of Illusion: public pedagogy in a theatre of genocide, Brian McKenna
A Critical Pedagogy of Recuperation, Nathalia E. Jaramillo, Peter McLaren & Fernando Lázaro
Project-Based Learning: a critical pedagogy for the twenty-first century, Carl A. Maida
Improvisational Theatre as Public Pedagogy: a case study of ‘aesthetic’ pedagogy in leadership development, Jen Katz-Buonincontro
Embodiments of Public Pedagogy: the art of soulful resistance, Antonia Darder


International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

Vol. 34, n°2, 2-2012

Beliefs about Teaching Science: The relationship between elementary teachers’ participation in professional development and student achievement, Andrew Lumpe, Charlene Czerniak, Jodi Haney & Svetlana Beltyukova
Undergraduate Students’ Conceptions of and Approaches to Learning in Biology: A study of their structural models and gender differences, Guo-Li Chiou, Jyh-Chong Liang & Chin-Chung Tsai
‘Didn't Get Expected Answer, Rectify It.’: Teaching science content in an elementary science classroom using hands-on activities, Aik-Ling Tan & Hwei-Ming Wong
Studying Students' Learning Processes Used during Physics Teaching Sequence about Gas with Networks of Ideas and Their Domain of Applicability, Damien Givry & Andree Tiberghien
Creating Personal Meaning through Technology-Supported Science Inquiry Learning across Formal and Informal Settings, Stamatina Anastopoulou, Mike Sharples, Shaaron Ainsworth, Charles Crook, Claire O'Malley & Michael Wright
Co-opting Science: A preliminary study of how students invoke science in value-laden discussions, Jan Alexis Nielsen
Influence of Three Different Methods of Teaching Physics on the Gain in Students' Development of Reasoning, Mirko Marušić & Josip Sliško
Science¦Environment¦Health – Towards a reconceptualization of three critical and inter-linked areas of education, Albert Zeyer & Justin Dillon


International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

Vol. 34, n°1, 1-2012

A Socioscientific Curriculum Facilitating the Development of Distal and Proximal NOS Conceptualizations, kelly A. Schalk
The Role of Emotional Factors in Building Public Scientific Literacy and Engagement with Science, Huann-shyang Lin, Zuway-R. Hong & Tai-Chu Huang
Identifying with Science: A case study of two 13-year-old ‘high achieving working class’ British Asian girls, Billy Wong
Nature of Science and Decision-Making, Rola Khishfe
Seeing the Wood for the Trees: Applying the dual-memory system model to investigate expert teachers' observational skills in natural ecological learning environments, Karin Stolpe & Lars Björklund
Developing Scientific Literacy in a Primary School, Kathleen Veronica Smith, John Loughran, Amanda Berry & Cathy Dimitrakopoulos


European Educational Research Journal (EERJ)

European Educational Research Journal (EERJ)

Vol. 10, n°4, 12-2011

Bottom-up Approaches to Agency in Education

Introduction. Discourse and Identity in Education, Carola Mick
Agency as the Acquisition of Capital: the role of one-on-one tutoring and mentoring in changing a refugee student’s educational trajectory, Iris E. Dumenden
The Construction of Performative Identities, Bob Jeffrey & Geoff Troman
‘Non-servile Virtuosi’ in Insubordinate Spaces: school disaffection, refusal and resistance in a former English coalfield, N. Geoffrey Bright
Enacted Agency as the Strategic Making of Selves in Plurilingual Literacy Events: framing agency and children as contributors to their own and others’ learning, Dominique Portante
Agency as the Ability and Opportunity to Participate in Evaluation as Knowledge Construction, Astrid Birgitte Eggen
Homework through the Eyes of Children: what does visual ethnography invite us to see? , Kirsten Hutchison
Learner Agency, Carola Mick
On Structure and Agency in Ethnographies of Education: examples from this special issue and more generally, Dennis Beach
Quality Assurance on the Road: Finland and Austria in comparison, Andrea Bernhard
Educational Organisations as ‘Cultures of Consumption’: cultural contexts of consumer learning in schools, Daniel Fischer Policy as Assemblage, Radhika Gorur
Interactions between European Citizenship and Language Learning among Adolescent Europeans, Mairin Hennebry


British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)

British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)

Vol. 43, n°1, 1-2012

Trends of e-learning research from 2000 to 2008: Use of text mining and bibliometrics, Jui-long Hung
Face-to-face versus online tuition: Preference, performance and pass rates in white and ethnic minority students, John T. E. Richardson
Modelling method of recursive entity, Rifai Amal and Rochdi Messoussi
Applying tangible story avatars to enhance children's collaborative storytelling, Chen-Chung Liu, Kuo-Ping Liu, Pi-Hui Wang, Gwo-Dong Chen and Mu-Chun Su
A study of user's acceptance on situational mashups in situational language teaching, Angus F. M. Huang, Stephen J. H. Yang and Shu-Sheng Liaw
Effect of screen size on multimedia vocabulary learning, Daesang Kim and Dong-Joong Kim
Student attitudes towards and use of ICT in course study, work and social activity: A technology acceptance model approach, Rob Edmunds, Mary Thorpe and Grainne Conole
Using virtual interactions to enhance the teaching of communication skills to information technology students, Ernest A. Pineteh
Pedagogy * technology: A two-dimensional model for teachers' ICT integration, Janet Mei-Chuen Lin, Pei-Yu Wang and I-Chun Lin
‘I'm not a computer person’: Negotiating participation in academic Discourses, Sarah Lohnes Watulak
Research priorities for YouTube and video-sharing technologies: A Delphi study, Chareen Snelson, Kerry Rice and Constance Wyzard
Purpose and preference in educational podcasting, Rob Van Zanten, Simon Somogyi and Gina Curro
Investigating the individual difference antecedents of perceived enjoyment in students' use of blogging, Yi-Shun Wang, Hsin-Hui Lin and Yi-Wen Liao
Experiencing research-informed teaching from the student perspective: Insights from developing an undergraduate e-journal, Karen A. Gresty and Andrew Edwards-Jones
College students' intentions to use e-portfolios: From the perspectives of career-commitment status and weblog-publication behaviours, Jeng-Yi Tzeng and Ssu-Han Chen
Empowering educators with Google's Android App Inventor: An online workshop in mobile app design, Yu-Chang Hsu, Kerry Rice and Lisa Dawley
Advancements and trends in digital game-based learning research: a review of publications in selected journals from 2001 to 2010, Gwo-Jen Hwang and Po-Han Wu
Automata simulators: Classic tools for computer science education, Pinaki Chakraborty, Prem Chandra Saxena and Chittaranjan Padmanabha Katti
Development of professional engineers' authentic contexts in blended learning environments, Kyungsun Park and Sunhee Park
A learner-centric view of mobile seamless learning, Lung-Hsiang Wong
Can film dubbing projects facilitate EFL learners' acquisition of English pronunciation?, Yi-hui Chiu
TPCK framework: assessing teachers' knowledge and designing courses for their professional development, Djordje M. Kadijevich
Exploring parents' perceptions towards educational robots: Gender and socio-economic differences, Chun Hung Lin, Eric Zhi Feng Liu and Yuan Yen Huang


Science Education

Science Education

Vol. 96, n°1, 1-2012

Science choices in Norwegian upper secondary school: What matters?, Maria Vetleseter Bøe
Blending physical and virtual manipulatives: An effort to improve students' conceptual understanding through science laboratory experimentation, Georgios Olympiou and Zacharias C. Zacharia
A comparison of exemplary biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics teachers' conceptions and enactment of inquiry, Wayne Breslyn and J. Randy McGinnis
Exploring middle school students' conceptions of the relationship between genetic inheritance and cell division, Michelle Williams, Angela Haydel DeBarger, Beronda L. Montgomery, Xuechun Zhou and Erika Tate
Science education and test-based accountability: Reviewing their relationship and exploring implications for future policy, Kevin J.B. Anderson
Learning to critique and adapt science curriculum materials: Examining the development of preservice elementary teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, Carrie J. Beyer and Elizabeth A. Davis
Primary teachers' attitudes toward science: A new theoretical framework, Sandra I. van Aalderen-Smeets, Juliette H. Walma van der Molen and Lieke J. F. Asma


Language and Education

Language and Education

Vol. 26, n°1, 1-2012

Unpacking mundane practices: children's experiences of learning literacy at a Chinese complementary school in Scotland, Andy Hancock
‘I’m going to split you all up’: examining transitions to group/pair work in two primary English classrooms, Soe Marlar Lwin, Christine Goh & Paul Doyle
Hope is the thing with metaphors: de-situating literacies and learning in English Language Arts classrooms, Kerry Anne Enright, Daniela Torres-Torretti & Orlando Carreón
Arbitrating repression: language policy and education in Arizona, Eric J. Johnson
First-grade teachers’ perception and implementation of a semi-scripted reading curriculum, Mary Taylor Ainsworth, Evan Ortlieb, Earl H. Cheek Jr., Roberta Simnacher Pate & Carol Fetters


British Educational Research Journal (BERJ)

British Educational Research Journal (BERJ)

Vol. 38, n°1, 1-2012

‘Content’ versus ‘style’: acquiescence in student evaluation of teaching? Pieter Spooren, Dimitri Mortelmans & Peter Thijssen
Teacher identities in a research‐led institution: in the ascendancy or on the retreat?, Alan Skelton
Discomforting pedagogies: emotional tensions, ethical dilemmas and transformative possibilities, Michalinos Zembylas & Claire McGlynn
Comparison of paper–pencil and online performances of students with learning disabilities, Husein Taherbhai, Daeryong Seo & Trinell Bowman
The White British–Black Caribbean achievement gap: tests, tiers and teacher expectations, Steve Strand
The politics of knowledge in education, Elizabeth Rata
The use of school self-evaluation results in the Netherlands and Flanders, Kim Schildkamp, Jan Vanhoof, Peter van Petegem & Adrie Visscher
Modelling the ‘learning divide’: predicting participation in adult learning and future learning intentions 2002 to 2010, Patrick White


CiCe Seventh Annual Research Student Conference University of York, England, 23 -24 May 2012

New Researchers for the New Europe: Creating Communities: Local, National and Global

We are pleased to announce the 7th CiCe Annual Research Student Conference, to be held at the University of York, England, 23 -24 May 2012. The conference provides an opportunity for research students to present papers to an audience of fellow-research students and get peer feed-back and to discuss research issues with experienced and active researchers helping develop a network of contacts.

Proposals are invited on citizenship and related topics from different disciplines including education, sociology, political science, history, psychology and philosophy.

There is not a formal deadline for applications, but we expect all places to be awarded by the end of February. We would be very grateful if you could circulate the attached call for papers and poster to your students and if you could encourage any interested research student to send their proposal as early as possible. A number of bursaries, covering the conference fees are available.

How to make a proposal or book a place
Proposals MUST be submitted via the student conference proposal link on the CiCe website:
http://cice.londonmet.ac.uk/conferences/student/student_home.cfm. We cannot accept
proposals that are submitted by any other means.
Bookings MUST be made via the student conference booking link the CiCe website:

bookings that are submitted by any other means.

Σάββατο 7 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Policy Studies Journal, 39(4)

Policy Studies Journal
Volume 39, Issue 4 - November 2011
Pages 565–742

Examining Implementation of the National Voter Registration Act by Nonprofit Organizations: An Institutional Explanation (pages 565–589)
Kelly LeRoux

Does Reported Policy Activity Reduce Contributions to Nonprofit Service Providers? (pages 591–607)
Jill Nicholson-Crotty

General Social Capital, Education-Related Social Capital, and Choosing Charter Schools (pages 609–629)
Kent L. Tedin and Gregory R. Weiher

The Goldilocks Solution: Exploring the Relationship between Trust and Participation in Resource Management within the New Zealand Commercial Rock Lobster Fishery (pages 631–658)
Tracy Yandle, Nadya Hajj and Rafal Raciborski

Can Affirmative Motivations Improve Compliance in Emissions Trading Programs? (pages 659–678)
Leigh Raymond and Timothy N. Cason

Smart Growth Policy Choice: A Resource Dependency and Local Governance Explanation (pages 679–707)
Christopher V. Hawkins

The Policy Sciences of Social Media (pages 709–736)
Matthew R. Auer

Journal of European Public Policy, 19(1)

Journal of European Public Policy
Volume 19, Issue 1, 2012
Special Issue: Perpetual momentum? Reconsidering the power of the European Court of Justice

Original Articles
Introduction – the European Court of Justice and legal integration: perpetual momentum?
R. Daniel Kelemen & Susanne K. Schmidt
pages 1-7

Who cares about nationality? The path-dependent case law of the ECJ from goods to citizens
Susanne K. Schmidt
pages 8-24

The reference points of EU judicial politics
Damian Chalmers & Mariana Chaves
pages 25-42

The political foundations of judicial independence in the European Union
R. Daniel Kelemen
pages 43-58

Do ECJ judges all speak with the same voice? Evidence of divergent preferences from the judgments of chambers
Michael Malecki
pages 59-75

Activism relocated. The self-restraint of the European Court of Justice in its national context
Gareth Davies
pages 76-91

Rights adjudication and constitutional pluralism in Germany and Europe
Alec Stone Sweet & Kathleen Stranz
pages 92-108

With Luxembourg in mind … the remaking of national policies in the face of ECJ jurisprudence
Michael Blauberger
pages 109-126

Perpetual momentum: directed and unconstrained?
Fritz W. Scharpf
pages 127-139

European Journal of Education, 46(4)

European Journal of Education
Vol. 46 Issue 4 - December 2011
Pages 433–598

Editorial : On becoming a teacher: a lifelong process (pages 433–439)
Janet Looney and Jean Gordon

Part I Articles
Developing High-Quality Teachers: teacher evaluation for improvement (pages 440–455)
Janet Looney

Student Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of their Initial Preparation (pages 456–473)
Marina-Stefania Giannakaki, Andrew J. Hobson and Angi Malderez

Teachers' Pedagogical Competence as a Prerequisite for Entering the Profession (pages 474–488)
Maria Liakopoulou

The Job Market for Teachers in Italy (pages 489–507)
Andrea Cammelli, Francesco Ferrante and Silvia Ghiselli

Teachers' Voices in the Context of Higher Education Reforms in Armenia (pages 508–523)
Susanna Karakhanyan, Klaas van Veen and Th.C.M. (Theo) Bergen

The Emotional Readiness of Greek Cypriot Teachers for Peaceful Co-existence (pages 524–539)
Michalinos Zembylas, Panayiota Kendeou and Athina Michaelidou

Part II Articles
What Do We Really Learn from PISA? The Sociology of its Reception in Three European Countries (2001–2008) (pages 540–548)
Xavier Pons

Does Competition Affect Schools' Performance? Evidence from Italy through OECD-PISA Data (pages 549–565)
Tommaso Agasisti

Engaging with Higher Education Academic Support: a first year student teacher transition model (pages 566–580)
Sorrel Penn-Edwards and Sharn Donnison

Coping with Complexity and Instability in the UK Vocational Training System (pages 581–598)
Gábor Halász

Educational Policy, 25(6)

Educational Policy
November 2011; 25 (6)

Anastasia Liasidou
Unequal Power Relations and Inclusive Education Policy Making: A Discursive Analytic Approach

Lisa Bass and Cynthia Gerstl-Pepin
Declaring Bankruptcy on Educational Inequity

Laura Perna, Erin Walsh, and Rachél Fester
Promoting the Educational Attainment of Adults: The Potential Role of Youth-Oriented Precollege Outreach Programs

Quality in Higher Education, 17(3)

Quality in Higher Education
Volume 17, Issue 3, 2011

James Williams Associate Editor
pages 263-264

The renewal of quality assurance in Australian higher education: the challenge of balancing academic rigour, equity and quality outcomes
Mahsood Shah, Ione Lewis & Robert Fitzgerald
pages 265-278

The discourse of self-presentation in Scottish university mission statements
Sally Kuenssberg
pages 279-298

Higher education quality in Kenya: a critical reflection of key challenges
George O. Odhiambo
pages 299-315

Quality and the English language question: is there really an issue in Australian universities?
Carmela Briguglio
pages 317-329

The PhD game in a Middle Eastern setting: a small-scale study of science students in an Iranian university
Mostafa Hasrati & Reza Hashemi
pages 331-352

The public debate on a quality assurance system for Greek universities
George Stamelos & Aggelos Kavasakalis
pages 353-368

The EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme: an account of institutional best practices
Maria João Rosa, Sónia Cardoso, Diana Dias & Alberto Amaral
pages 369-386

Journal of Higher Education, 82(6)

Journal of Higher Education
Volume 82, Number 6, November/December 2011

Feminist Research in Higher Education
pp. 667-690 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0035
Rebecca Ropers-Huilman, Kelly T. Winters

Witch-Hunting at Crucible University: The Power and Peril of Competing Organizational Ideologies
pp. 691-719 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0037
Michael S. Harris, Matthew Hartley

International Faculty: Experiences of Academic Life and Productivity in U.S. Universities
pp. 720-747 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0038
Dongbin Kim, Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Susan Twombly

Social Class and Belonging: Implications for Graduate Students’ Career Aspirations
pp. 748-774 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0039
Joan M. Ostrove, Abigail J. Stewart, Nicola L. Curtin

Commercial Funding in Academe: Examining the Correlates of Faculty’s Use of Industrial and Business Funding for Academic Work
pp. 775-802 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0040
Katalin Szelényi, Richard A. Goldberg

Book Reviews
Interdisciplinary Conversations: Challenging Habits of Thought (review)
pp. 803-805 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0041
Carolyn Haynes

Pay for Play: A History of Big-Time College Athletic Reform (review)
pp. 806-807 | DOI: 10.1353/jhe.2011.0034
John R. Thelin

Journal of Education Policy, 27(1)

Journal of Education Policy
Volume 27, Issue 1, 2012
Policy options for Turkey: a critique of the interpretation and utilization of PISA results in Turkey
Bekir S. Gür, Zafer Çelik & Murat Özoğlu
pages 1-21

Towards an education approach à la finlandaise? French education policy after PISA
Michael Dobbins & Kerstin Martens
pages 23-43

Partnership for improving outcomes in Indigenous education: relationship or business?
Zane Ma Rhea
pages 45-66

Incentives to exclude: the political economy constraining school fee abolition in South Africa
Lee E. Nordstrum
pages 67-88

Pick ’n’ mix, select and project; policy borrowing and the quest for ‘world class’ schooling: an analysis of the 2010 schools White Paper
Paul Morris
pages 89-107

Framing and selling global education policy: the promotion of public–private partnerships for education in low-income contexts
Antoni Verger
pages 109-130

Document and debate
Why the McKinsey reports will not improve school systems
Frank Coffield
pages 131-149

Book reviews
Changing lives: women, inclusion and the PhD
Meg Maguire & Kate Hoskins
pages 151-152

Family learning: engaging with parents, policy and practice in education
Lyn Tett
pages 152-153

Studies in Higher Education, 36(8)

Studies in Higher Education
Vol.36, issue 8
EDITORIAL: Thank you to our referees
Malcolm Tight
pages 873-877

Feedback: focusing attention on engagement
Margaret Price, Karen Handley & Jill Millar
pages 879-896

Disentangling instructional roles: the case of teaching and summative assessment
Delphine Sasanguie, Jan Elen, Geraldine Clarebout, Wim Van den Noortgate, Joke Vandenabeele & Bieke De Fraine
pages 897-910

Factors affecting the study pace of first-year law students: in search of study counselling tools
Anne Haarala-Muhonen, Mirja Ruohoniemi & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne
pages 911-922

Why does the USA dominate university league tables?
Mei Li, Sriram Shankar & Kam Ki Tang
pages 923-937

The effect of placement experience upon final-year results for surveying degree programmes
Rachel Mansfield
pages 939-952

Investigating knowledge exchange and creation on a practice-based Master’s programme
Jenny Reeves
pages 953-967

Is forcing them worth the effort? Benefits of mandatory internships for graduates from diverse family backgrounds at labour market entry
Markus Klein & Felix Weiss
pages 969-987

Self-regulated learning in higher education: identifying key component processes
Simon Cassidy
pages 989-1000

Book reviews
Language in the academy: cultural reflexivity and intercultural dynamics
Karen Smith
pages 1001-1003

Publishing from your PhD: negotiating a crowded jungle
Elaine Walsh
pages 1003-1005

Student writing and genre: reconfiguring academic knowledge
Heather Mendick
pages 1005-1007

Becoming an academic: international perspectives
Malcolm Tight
pages 1007-1008

Higher Education Quarterly, 65(4)

Higher Education Quarterly
Vol. 65, Issue 4 October 2011
Pages 331–440

Editorial – Adding value (pages 331–332)
Dr Celia Whitchurch and Professor Lee Harvey

Leadership and Learning Landscapes: the Struggle for the Idea of the University (pages 333–352)
Mike Neary and Gary Saunders

Looking for Ways to Increase Student Motivation: Internationalisation and Value Innovation (pages 353–367)
Andrei Kuznetsov and Olga Kuznetsova

Postgraduate Research Training: Some Issues (pages 368–385)
Angelito Calma

Challenges for University Engagement in the UK: Towards a Public Academe? (pages 386–410)
Richard Watermeyer

Higher Education and Public Good (pages 411–433)
Simon Marginson

From Vocational to Higher Education. An International Perspective – By Gavin Moodie (pages 434–436)
Gareth Parry

Leadership and Governance in Higher Education—Handbook for Decision-makers and Administrators – Edited by Sjur Bergan, Eva Egron-Polak, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Martina Vukasović (pages 436–438)
Lee Harvey

Democracy and Higher Education. Traditions and Stories of Civic Engagement – By J Peters Scott (pages 438–440)
Ronaldo Munck

Πέμπτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Notes du CREN

Notes du CREN

N°6, novembre 2011

La conception collective d’un livret d’apprentissage électronique

Synthèse d’une recherche action (Projet ANR) mettant à l’épreuve la conception participative comme mode de conception d’un Livret Électronique destiné à la formation par alternance, Philippe COTTIER




Vol. 2, n° 2, 2011


A lire dans ce numéro, dans la rubrique Bilan critique, l'article de Marie Duru-Bellat, "La face subjective des inégalités. Une convergence entre psychologie sociale et sociologie ? ", p. 185-200 (disponible au formats html et pdf).


Recherches en éducation

Recherches en éducation

N°12, novembre 2011

Revisiter la notion de situation : approches plurielles

Dossier coordonné par Yves Lenoir & Frédéric Tupin

Situation d’apprentissage et conceptualisation, Pierre Pastré
La situation d’enseignement-apprentissage : caractères contextuels et construits, Marc Bru & Joël Clanet
Situations et savoirs dans la pratique de classe, Bernard Rey
Le concept de situation chez Paulo Freire : une perspective socio-anthropologique culturelle et politique, Yves Lenoir & Arturo Ornelas Lizardi
Du concept de situation dans les didactiques de l’histoire, de géographie et de l’éducation à la citoyenneté, François Audigier
La notion de situation dans l'étude des phénomènes d'enseignement et d'apprentissage des langues: vers une perspective socio-didactique, Joaquim Dolz & Frédéric Tupin
Situations-problèmes et disciplines scolaires : analyse des cadres opératoires privilégiés par des futurs enseignants québécois du primaire pour l’enseignement des sciences et des sciences humaines, Johanne Lebrun, Abdelkrim Hasni & Anderson Araújo-Oliveira


Loris Malaguzzi, un pédagogue contemporain, Emilie Dubois
La construction professionnelle par la quête d’un langage commun, le cas des enseignants débutants en classe maternelle, Amélie Alletru


Cahiers pédagogiques

Cahiers pédagogiques

N°493, décembre 2011

Le lycée, entre collège et supérieur

Ouverture : la situation initiale

Quelle place pour le lycée dans le système éducatif ? Françoise Clerc
Lycéen 2.0, Philippe Watrelot
Paroles de lycéens

L’élément déclencheur : réformes et remous

Un rythme effréné, Daniel Galy
Lorsque Pégase donne des ailes, Yves Lecocq
On va attendre et il ne se passera rien, Françoise Colsaët
La part belle à l’initiative,
Ali Hosni
La démocratie coute cher en sandwiches, Michèle Amiel
La mise en place de l’accompagnement, Françoise Clerc

Les péripéties : actions et adaptation

Une liaison 3e-2de, Nathalie Bineau
Un projet d’établissement ambitieux, Karine Hellot, Olivier Dardillac, Sébastien Tournyol du Clos
Le jour où la proviseure a interdit les cours, Annie Tobaty
Des stages en entreprise, Loïc Le Pennec
Séances à choix multiples, Xavier Guilloteau
Tous critiques, tous TICE !, Agathe Mezzadri

Résolution : le lycée regarde vers l’après-lui

Pour un continuum lycée-supérieur entretien avec Alain Boissinot
Quand l’université accompagne les lycéens, Anne Boisteux, Sébastien Sourisseau
Un professeur référent du lycée pour les universités, Claude Guillemin
Le goût des sciences, Caterina Calgaro, Michèle Hochedez, Marie-Christine Groslière
Préparer à l’enseignement supérieur dès la 2de ?, Martine Paindorge
Relecture - Encore un peu de courage !, Roger-François Gauthier, Luisa Lombardi

Les articles à lire en ligne

Lycéen 2.0 Philippe Watrelot
Le jour où la proviseure a interdit les cours Annie Tobaty
La mise en place de l’accompagnement Françoise Clerc
Pour un continuum lycée-supérieur Entretien avec Alain Boissinot


L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle

L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle

Vol. 40, N° 4, 2011

Quelle insertion pour les publics dits de "bas niveau de qualification" ? - II


Introduction, Christine Delory-Momberger et Jérôme Mbiatong
L’insertion des bas-niveaux de qualification : un problème de GRH ?, Denis Castra
Problématique de l’insertion professionnelle des personnes dites "de bas niveau de qualification" : d’une approche sociétale à une approche du suje, Jean Biarnès
L’insertion par l’économique, un processus de socialisation à revisiter dans une économie insulaire en construction. Le cas de la Martinique, Danielle Laport
Nouvelles pratiques d’accompagnement dans les chantiers d’insertion et co-construction des savoirs d’action entre praticiens et chercheurs, Christine Delory-Momberger et Jérôme Mbiatong

Cahier outils, méthodes et pratiques professionnelles en orientation

L’accompagnement personnalisé en seconde : Une contribution psychopédagogique, Marie-Hélène Gros


Administration et éducation

Administration et éducation

N° 132, décembre 2011

L'école face au défi de l'inclusion

Entre inclusion et exclusion : comment repousser les limites ?, Martine CARAGLIO et Yannick TENNE
Inclure plutôt qu’exclure, Jean-Paul DELEVOYE
Face au défi de l’inclusion, Malika SOREL-SUTTER
Petit recul conceptuel sur des notions consensuelles..., Marie DURU-BELLAT
L’éducation inclusive : perspectives européennes, Danièle ZAY
Des RAR aux ÉCLAIR : comment répondre au défi de l’égalité des chances de réussite scolaire ?, Anne ARMAND
Pour une école inclusive, Jean-Charles HUCHET
Discriminations : l’éducation à l’épreuve de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Marc BABLET
L’ajustement des pratiques vers une gestion différenciée de l’activité éducative en milieu scolaire, une démarche d’inclusion et d’équité, Suzanne GUILLEMETTE, Louise SIMON, Lorraine SAVOIE-ZAJC
L’école inclusive : quelques exemples vécus et revisités, Guy SOUDJIAN
Enfants primo-arrivants ou issus de l’immigration : des enjeux d’inclusions différents mais bien réels, Françoise LORCERIE
Vers une éducation scolaire de qualité pour les Roms, Jean-Pierre LIÉGEOIS
L’inclusion : mythe ou réalité ?, Annie PORCHER et Philippe NAUDY
Renforcer l’accès des filles aux filières scientifiques, Isabelle BOURHIS
L’école confrontée aux discriminations, Jacqueline COSTA-LASCOUX et Anne REBEYROL
Une école plus inclusive dans une société qui s’ouvre à l’altérité, Bernard GOSSOT et Claudie RAULT


Les Sciences de l'éducation - Pour l'ère nouvelle

Les Sciences de l'éducation - Pour l'ère nouvelle

VoL; 44, n° 4, 2011

Problèmes d'acès au terrain et questions méthodologiques : à propos d'un objet commun le travail éducatif des familles


Introduction : Étudier le travail éducatif des familles, oui mais comment?, Delphine BRUGGEMAN
Des dispositifs socio-cliniques pour comprendre comment les parents sont impliqués dans la politique de la Parentalité, Gilles MONCEAU
Temps d’observation ethnographique et temps d’écriture, Bernadette TILLARD
Conditions d’enquête et démarches méthodologiques de recherches « à domicile».Le chercheur sur le terrain des familles, Delphine BRUGGEMAN


Le décrochage des élèves du second degré : diversité des parcours, pluralité des expériences scolaires, Pierre-Yves BERNARD


14e Conférence Générale de l'AIU - L’enseignement supérieur et l’agenda mondial: Orientations alternatives pour l’avenir

14e Conférence Générale de l'AIU - L’enseignement supérieur et l’agenda mondial: Orientations alternatives pour l’avenir

Date : du 13-11-2012 au 16-11-2012

Lieu : San Juan

Organisation : Association internationale des universités (AIU - IAU)


7th Annual Best Practices in Internationalization Conference

IE 2012 - 7th Annual Best Practices in Internationalization Conference

09-03-2012 - 09-03-2012

New York

IIE - Institute of International Education


VIème Congrès Mondial de la MESCE - Éducation et changement social : vers un réel développement humain

VIème Congrès Mondial de la MESCE - Éducation et changement social : vers un réel développement humain

Date : du 01-10-2012 au 03-10-2012

Lieu : Hammamet

Organisation : Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education (MESCE)


Τρίτη 3 Ιανουαρίου 2012

The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All

The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All- Càdiz Spain

EERA, European Educational Research Association and the University of Cadiz, Spain, invite Educational Researchers to participate in and to submit proposals for the European Conference on Educational Research 2012.
The conference theme "The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All" will provide a focus for the keynote addresses and for other invited events. It may also be taken as a reference within the conference sessions organised by the EERA networks. However, proposals for contributions are welcome from all fields of educational research. Participants are invited to hand in up to two abstracts for papers, posters, workshops, round tables and symposia. All proposals must be handed in electronically via the online submission form. PhD students and emerging researchers are especially invited to participate in the Emerging Researchers’ Conference by submitting proposals to the Emerging Researchers’ Group.
The ECER is the annual conference held by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). It welcomes close to 2.000 scholars each year, representing views and research traditions from all parts of Europe and also attracts researchers from other parts of the world.
• Emerging Researchers' Conference: 17– 18 September 2012
• Main Conference: 18 – 21 September 2012
• Submission Deadline: 01 February 2012 (all proposals to be submitted online!)
• Information on Review Results: 01 April 2012
