Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2022


Informatics education at school in Europe

 European Commission - Eurydice (EC)






Pathways to school success

 European Commission (EC)




Building a better understanding of the impact of early childhood education and care in medium - and long-term educational and labour market outcomes in Europe

 European Commission (EC)




Teachers' and school heads' salaries and allowances in Europe

 European Commission - Eurydice (EC)


This report covers the salaries of teachers and school heads in pre-primary, primary and general secondary public schools in 2020/2021 in 39 European education systems. The comparative overview examines the statutory salaries for beginning teachers and the prospects for salary increases throughout their career. It also analyses the main changes to teachers’ statutory salaries in the past years, the average actual salaries including allowances and other additional payments, and the statutory salaries of school heads. There is an annexe to this report on Eurydice-website, which includes the country-specific information in Excel-format. Data have been collected jointly by the Eurydice and the OECD/NESLI networks.


Section 1. Teachers’ salaries

  • Salaries for beginning teachers vary greatly across Europe
  • Salary differences across education levels are usually related to differences in minimum qualification requirements
  • Potential for salaries to increase over the career span varies considerably
  • Salaries continue to rise in most European countries
  • In ten countries, starting salaries of teachers (inflation-adjusted) remained on 2014/2015 levels or lower over the last six years
  • Average actual salaries are below the GDP per capita for all educational levels in seven countries
  • In most education systems, top-level authorities or collective agreements determine a wide range of different allowances.

Section 2. School heads’ salaries

  • School heads require at least five years’ professional experience at their appointment in half of European education systems
  • School heads are often paid on a different salary scale from teachers
  • School heads’ earnings are usually related to the size of the school
  • The minimum statutory salary for school heads is lower or equivalent to the salary for teachers with 15 years’ experience in a quarter of education systems
  • In most education systems, there are significant differences in the minimum and maximum salaries that school heads may receive







Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

 European Commission (EC)




La flexibilité de la formation aux différents ordres d’enseignement : l’exemple finlandais

 Niambi-Mayasi Batiotila

 Conseil supérieur de l’éducation - Québec




2022 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report | Data and Analytics Edition





Systems thinking to transform schools: Identifying levers that lift educational quality

  Bruce Fuller and Hoyun Kim

 Brookings Institution




Transforming education for holistic student development: Learning from education system (re)building around the world

 Amanda Datnow, Vicki Park, Donald J. Peurach, and James P. Spillane

 Brookings Institution




How do government decisionmakers adopt education innovations for scale?

  Brad Olsen and Ghulam Omar Qargha

 Brookings Institution




Reading with a caregiver trumps reading an e-book alone

 Amanda Delgado, Alexus G. Ramirez, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, and Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

 Brookings Institution




Les grandes mutations qui transforment l'éducation 2022

 Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques - OCDE (OCDE)




Cap sur le capital humain pour renouer avec la croissance de la productivité

 Maria Guadalupe - Xavier Jaravel - Thomas Philippon - David Sraer

 Conseil d'analyse économique




L’immobilier universitaire

  Cour des comptes






  Homo Digitalis - what has this to do with multilingualism?



  • Editorial, équipe éditoriale de Babylonia


  • Homo digitalis - what has this to do with multilingualism? Bernhard Rotzer , Vincenzo Todisco , Stefano Losa, Alain Metry et Edmund Steiner


  • Il cervello antico dell'homo digitalis. Leggere e studiare nell'era del digitale, Massimo Salgaro
  • Le numérique dans l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues: nouvelles promesses et anciens désenchantements, Daniel Elmiger
  • Zukunftskompetenzen motivierend fördern Schooltogo – Innovative Sprachlernangebote zum Mitnehmen, Julia Knopf, Anne-Kristin Mueller et Jannick Eckle
  • Eine Internet-Plattform für die Mehrsprachigkeit in Graubünden, Oscar Eckhardt et Vincenzo Todisco
  • Beyond Reality: Zukunftsorientiertes Lernen mit Extended Reality & Game-based Learning, Stephanie Wössner
  • Der mehrsprachige Homo digitalis geht online. Einblick in das neue «IdeenSet» zur Mehrsprachigkeit, Irène Zingg
  • Homo digitalis + Homo plurilinguis = Homo sapiens? Antje-Marianne Kolde, Carlamaria Lucci et Rosanna Margonis-Pasinetti
  • Activités plurilingues sur la plateforme numérique des manuels d’allemand Der grüne Max et Junior, Slavka Pogranova et Corinne Ramillon
  • Soutenir le développement du langage scolaire à travers le jeu en 1-2H : quel enseignement à distance ? Valérie Michelet, Anne Paccolat et Catherine Tobola Couchepin
  • Les représentations du plurilinguisme 2.0, Clara Clivaz


  • L’auto-confrontation : un outil pour identifier les gestes professionnels et relever les défis de la formation, Anne Paccolat, Valérie Michelet, Catherine Tobola Couchepin et Sandrine Gabioud
  • Echange linguistique via télécollaboration Une expérience entre Genève, CH, et Tübingen, D, pour élèves du Secondaire 1, Cathy Savioz
  • A Window into the World of Tech Tools in Teacher Ed, Laura Buechel


  • Current Research into Young Foreign Language Learners' Literacy SkillsStefanie Frisch et Jutta Rymarczyk (dir.), Verónica Sánchez

In Memoriam

  • Hommage à Georges Lüdi Un soutien indéfectible de la revue, Jean-François de Pietro et Gianni Ghisla



Raisons éducatives

 Vol. 26, n°1

 Enseigner, apprendre et chercher à l'université en temps de pandémie



  • Préface. Nos rapports à la connaissance, en période de crise, Gilles Labarthe
  • Introduction. Kristine Balslev, Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade, Charles Heimberg, Sandrine Aeby Daghé, Andreea Capitanescu Benetti, Maryvonne Charmillot, Frédérique Giuliani, Olivier Maulini, Gaëlle Molinari, Alain Muller, Manuel Perrenoud, Christophe Ronveaux et Emmanuel Sander

I. Les contenus des enseignements et des recherches

  • L’éducation physique en temps de pandémie : quelles leçons en tirer pour le « monde d’après » ? Benoît Lenzen, Élise Houssin, Emmanuelle Forest et Cecilia Borgès
  • L’interprétation : un contenu d’enseignement esquivé par la pandémie de covid-19 ? Isabelle Mili
  • Quand les objets linguistiques deviennent des outils de réflexion et d’enseignement universitaire : regards renouvelés sur la situation d’énonciation, Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart et Matthieu Merhan
  • Enseigner les arts visuels à distance : incidences sur l’accompagnement et l’évaluation des apprentissages des élèves, Stefan-Ioan Bodea
  • L’effet de la pandémie sur l’enseignement de l’histoire et de la citoyenneté, Charles Heimberg

II. L’expérience des acteurs et actrices

  • Créer une ingénierie d’urgence pour un enseignement à distance : expériences croisées de trois formatrices, Corinne Ramillon, Slavka Pogranova et Apolline Torregrosa
  • Une approche clinique de la pandémie sous le regard de l’enfant, Maria Passeggi, Ecleide Furlanetto et Karina Biasoli
  • Les autres en moins : les étudiant·es en sciences de l’éducation face à l’enseignement à distance, Renaud Cornand
  • Brèche dans l’université : institution latente, fragile et vivante en temps de crise, Pierre-Marie Chauvin
  • Crise sanitaire de la covid-19 et études universitaires dans le domaine de l’éducation spéciale : quels impacts sur la qualité de vie et la formation pratique des étudiant·es ? Sophie Brandon et Céline Kunz
  • Enseignement à distance dans une école de management hôtelier : conséquences sur les étudiants et ressources pour y faire face, Charlotte de Boer et Nathalie Delobbe
  • La formation médicale dans le contexte de la pandémie de covid-19 : impacts et enjeux de l’apprentissage, Patrícia Maciel Pachá et Camila Aloisio Alves
  • Témoigner de son expérience doctorale : une contribution à la réflexion collective sur les conditions de formation, de travail et d’existence en temps de pandémie, Maryvonne Charmillot, Olivia Vernay et Amandine Gouttefarde
  • Quelques conséquences de la pandémie de covid-19 sur la méthodologie de recherche qualitative en sciences de l’éducation, Julia Napoli
  • Entrer dans le métier en temps de pandémie : formation, recherche d’emploi et vécu professionnel des enseignant·es, Jeanne Rey, Kristine Balslev, Marine Hascoët, Samuel Charmillot, Giuseppe Melfi, Katja Vanini De Carlo, Isabel Voirol-Rubido et Elisabeth Waroux
  • Pandemia, educação e memórias do tempo presente, Valdeniza Maria Lopes da Barra, Keyla Maria Bastos Gonçalves et Sarah Karoline Teixeira de Sousa
  • Pandémie, éducation et mémoires du temps présent, Valdeniza Maria Lopes da Barra, Keyla Maria Bastos Gonçalves et Sarah Karoline Teixeira de Sousa


  • Postface. Apprendre d’une pandémie ? Sandro Cattacin et Olivier Waeber



Revue suisse des sciences de l'éducation

 Vol. 44, n° 2



  • Zum Zusammenhang zwischen sprachlichen und mathematischen Leistungen in unterschiedlichen Inhaltsbereichen, Esther Brunner, Felix Bernet et Stephan Nänny
  • Approche actionnelle et interculturelle dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères : implémentation en classe et impact sur les apprentissages, Sandrine Onillon et Roger Grünblatt
  • Attentes éducatives futures des élèves avec et sans besoins éducatifs spécifiques : une analyse comparative incluant des variables individuelles et contextuelles, Alice Ambrosetti, Sandra Fenaroli et Sara Benini
  • Hindernisse und Ressourcen eines Bildungsaufstiegs - Eine qualitative Studie mit jungen Erwachsenen mit tiefem sozioökonomischem Status und/oder Migrationshintergrund, Markus Neuenschwander, Stefanie Hänni, Elena Makarova et Tomas Kaqinari
  • La bienveillance à l’épreuve de l’évaluation entre pairs à l’université, Céline Girardet et Lucie Mottier Lopez
  • Der Einfluss wissenschaftlicher Textgenres auf das Textverständnis und epistemologische Überzeugungen bei Studierenden der Bildungswissenschaften, Romina Hagen, Rainer Watermann et Matthias Nückles
  • « Géoscola » ou la petite histoire de la mise en place d’un géoportail territorial comme aide au pilotage de l’école publique, Jacques Michelet et Danièle Périsset
  • Incidents critiques en leçons d’éducation interculturelle, Stéphanie de Diesbach-Dolder et Nathalie Muller Mirza
  • Premature interruption of training in Swiss 2-year apprenticeship through the lens of fit, Isabelle Bosset, Claudia Hofmann, Barbara Duc, Nadia Lamamra et Annette Krauss

Recension (en français)

  • Caspard, P. (2021). La famille, l’école, l’État. Un modèle helvétique, XVIIe-XIXe siècles. Peter Lang, 236 pages, Emmanuelle Vollenweider



Psychology in the Schools

  Vol. 59, n°11, 11/ 2022

  • Psychometric evaluation of the Persian version of Adolescent Shame-Proneness Scale, Fatemeh Hashemi Golpayegani, Simin Hosseinian, Hamid Rezaeian, Mahsima Pourshahriari, Roya Rasouli
  • Gender and sexuality alliance advisors' perceptions of self-efficacy and social emotional competency: An exploratory study, Kelly M. Davis, Kinsie J. Dunham, Danielle M. Kahlo, Bryan N. Cochran
  • Predicting peer acceptance and peer rejection for autistic children, Melanie Feldman, Narmene Hamsho, Jan Blacher, Alice S. Carter, Abbey Eisenhower
  • The role of high school student engagement in postsecondary enrollment, Kathleen Fraysier, Amy L. Reschly
  • Examining the implementation of Teacher–Child Interaction Training-Universal in public schools, Catherine DeCarlo Santiago, Yvita Bustos, Susana S. Sosa, Sarah A. Jolie, Roxanna Flores Toussaint, Sarah Gebhardt, David Stern, Karen S. Budd
  • The feasibility and promise of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training with teachers and school personnel in high-poverty schools, Elisa S. Shernoff, Allison K. Ruork, Erum Nadeem, Shireen L. Rizvi
  • The relationship between teacher's gender and deep learning strategy: The mediating role of deep learning motivation, Xin Song, Xiantong Yang, Qiang Wang, Yu Su, Jon-Chao Hong
  • Parents' voices matter: A mixed-method study on the dyslexia diagnosis process, Kenneth Denton, Betty Coneway, Michelle Simmons, Malvika Behl, Mikyung Shin
  • Academic major satisfaction and regret of students in different majors: Perspectives from Self-Determination Theory, Yawen Hsu, Yi-hsuan Chi
  • Boarding students' perceptions of school climate and well-being across gender and sexual orientation, Stephanie S. Fredrick, Abbey J. McClemont, Stephanie Traudt, Michael Kern
  • Carrying weapons at school: Prevalence and associated factors in Colombian high-school students, María P. Jiménez-Villamizar, Adalberto Campo-Arias, Carmen C. Caballero-Domínguez
  • Identifying and predicting teachers' use of practices that support SRL, Gregory Callan, David Longhurst, Serena Shim, Anthony Ariotti
  • Validation of the South Korean adolescents version of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support, Gahyun Park, Yujin Hwang, Jeong Han Kim, Dong Hun Lee
  • Supporting primary school students' mental health needs: Teachers' perceptions of roles, barriers, and abilities, Louise Maclean, Jeremy M. Law


Journal of Education Policy (JEP)

  Vol. 37, n°5, 10/2022

  • 1996: the OECD policy-making assemblage, Greg Thompson, Sam Sellar & Ian Buchanan
  • Winning the war by losing the battle? The marketization of the expanding preschool sector in Sweden, Johannes Westberg & Esbjörn Larsson
  • Advocacy NGOs and the neoliberal manufacture of the street voice, Juan Francisco Palma Carvajal
  • The governing parent-citizen: dividing and valorising parent labour through school governance, Jessica Gerrard & Glenn C. Savage
  • Comparisons, numbers and nations: exploring national policy responses to international data via a postfoundational imagining of the policymaker, Eleftherios Klerides
  • Narratives of academic staff involvement in Athena SWAN and race equality charter marks in UK higher education institutions, Holly Henderson & Kalwant Bhopal
  • Widening participation policy as practice: category work and local policy appropriations at student support units, Adi Sapir
  • Paradise lost or created? How higher-education staff perceive the impact of policy on students, Sazana Jayadeva, Rachel Brooks & Predrag Lažetić
  • The Global Education Industry in a Microcosm: Public- Private Networks in German Public Schooling, Christina Gericke

Book Review

  • Conservative philanthropies and organizations shaping U.S. educational policy and practice edited by K. deMarrais, B. A. Herron, & J. Copple, Gorham, Maine, Myers Education Press, 2020, Kathryn P. Chapman
  • A search for common ground: conversations about the toughest questions in K-12 education by Frederick Hess and P. Noguera, New York, NY, Teachers College Press, 2021, Kevin Cataldo



The Curriculum Journal

 Vol. 33, n°4, 11/2022

  • Crisis-ready educational design: The case of mathematics, Colin Foster, Hugh Burkhardt, Alan Schoenfeld
  • Social tensions in studying ancient history, Frances Foster, Juliette Wise
  • Values-led curriculum co-creation: A curriculum re-innovation case study, Adam Galpin, David Beevers, Simon Cassidy, Ben Short, Maria Panagiotidi, Robert C. A. Bendall, Eileen Quigley, Catherine Thompson
  • Differentiated instruction within senior secondary curriculum frameworks: A small-scale study of teacher views from an independent South Australian school, Tom Porta, Nicole Todd
  • Tight-loose: Understanding variability, trade-offs and felt accountability across the curriculum-pedagogy-assessment dynamic, Suzanne Trask, Bronwen Cowie
  • Rethinking textbooks as active social agents in interpretivist research, Daeyoung Goh
  • The effect of a general versus narrow undergraduate curriculum on graduate specialization: The case of a Dutch liberal arts college, Milan Kovačević
  • Responsive curriculum development for professional education: Different teams, different tales, Joyce Vreuls, Mieke Koeslag-Kreunen, Marcel van der Klink, Loek Nieuwenhuis, Henny Boshuizen



The Curriculum Journal

 Vol. 33, n°3, 09/2022

 Curricula from the past, in the present and for the future?



  • Curricula from the past, in the present and for the future?, Stavroula Philippou, Mark Priestley


  • Lost in transition: Student journeys and becoming—Deliberations for a post-COVID era, Lucie Pollard, Jan Bamford
  • Understanding curricula as theories of action, Darren Hannah, Claire Sinnema, Viviane Robinson
  • Teachers' sources of information about climate change: A scoping review, Steven Puttick, Isobel Talks
  • Civics curriculum in Arab schools: Teachers facing ethical and ideological dilemmas in the classroom, Rabah Halabi
  • Scientific literacy and agency within the Chilean science curriculum: A critical discourse analysis, Gonzalo R. Guerrero, Betzabé Torres-Olave
  • ‘The knowledge question’ in the Norwegian curriculum, Anniken Hotvedt Sundby, Berit Karseth
  • How early mathematics interventions support mathematics vocabulary learning: A content analysis, Gena Nelson, Hannah Carter
  • Searching for creativity in the Portuguese preschool and basic education curricula, Andreia Valquaresma, Joaquim Luís Coimbra
  • Songs and singing songs in early childhood education: A review of Spanish curriculum policy, Lucía Casal de la Fuente, Carol Gillanders
  • Curriculum reform in Wales: Physical education teacher educators' negotiation of policy positions, David Aldous, Victoria Evans, Dawn Penney



Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN)

 Vol. 22, n°4, 10/2022

  • The experience of transitioning to adulthood for young people on the autistic spectrum in the UK: a framework synthesis of current evidence using an Ecosystemic model, Rebecca J. Crompton, Caroline Bond
  • British teachers' knowledge and awareness of Tourette syndrome in children attending mainstream school, Amanda K. Ludlow, Alison Cutler, Saskia Keville
  • A thematic analysis of the family experience of British mainstream school SEND inclusion: can their voices inform best practice?, April Dunleavy, Rossella Sorte
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic tensions in the SENCo role: navigating the maze of ‘becoming’, Virginia Kay, Marlena Chrostowska, Amanda Henshall, Anne Mcloughlin, Fiona Hallett
  • Conceptualising, defining and providing special education in China: stakeholder perspectives, Ahmed Alduais, Meng Deng
  • Is transition an (adult) problem? – experiences of autistic students during the transition from primary to secondary school, Mechthild Richter, Céline Clément, Eric Flavier



European Journal of Teacher Education

  Vol. 73, n°5, 11-12/2022

 Agents, Agency and Teacher Education

  • Agents, Agency, and Teacher Education, Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Cheryl J. Craig, Lily Orland-Barak, Chelsea Cole, Valerie Hill-Jackson
  • Centering Equity in Teacher Education Evaluation: From Principles to Transformative Enactment, Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Emilie Mitescu Reagan
  • Examining Preservice Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching to Consider the Impact of Policymakers’ Neoliberal Reforms on Their Sensemaking of Their New Profession, Christopher P. Brown, Da Hei Ku, David P. Barry, Kate Puckett
  • “I Don’t Think Kids Nowadays Feel Like They Have a Lot of Power”: Exploring Teacher Civic Commitments in a National Online Letter Writing Project, Emma C. Gargroetzi, Antero Garcia
  • Illuminating the Black Hole: Examining Middle Grade Social Studies Teacher Education Pathways and Student Achievement, Paul G. Fitchett, Tina L. Heafner
  • Teacher Education for Sustainable Development: A Review of an Emerging Research Field, Daniel Fischer, Jordan King, Marco Rieckmann, Matthias Barth, Alexander Büssing
  • Chinese Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives of Mentoring Relationships in an International Learning Partnership, Lana Parker, Shijing Xu, Chenkai Chi



Journal of Curriculum Studies

 Vol. 54, n°5, 2022

  • Powerful knowledge, educational potential and knowledge-rich curriculum: pushing the boundaries, Zongyi Deng
  • Empowering minority students: a study of cultural references in the teaching content, Turid Skarre Aasebø & Ilmi Willbergh
  • Dewey’s education through occupations as being-doing-knowing: an introduction to teacher planning with creative learning units, John Quay, Loren Miller, David Browning & Adam Brodie-Mckenzie
  • Children’s agentic capacity, schoolification and risk: competing discourses and young children’s experiences in pre-school settings, Karen Patton & Karen Winter
  • Elementary teachers’ agency: the role of perceived professional space and autonomy, Phi Nguyen, Corey Webel, Sheunghyun Yeo & Wenmin Zhao
  • Celebrating culture and neglecting language: representation of ethnic minorities in Chinese primary school textbooks (1976–2021), Qian Liu, Fatma Zehra Colak & Orhan Agirdag
  • The politics of pupil self-evaluation: A case of Finnish assessment policy discourse, Hannele Pitkänen



International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)

 Vol. 44, n°12, 09/2022

  • Exploring the tensions science teachers navigate as they enact their visions for science teaching: what their feedback can tell us, Alfred M. Limbere, Mika Munakata, Emily J. Klein & Monica Taylor
  • Teaching science & technology: components of scientific literacy and insight into the steps of research, Mateja Ploj Virtič
  • A teaching learning sequence on nanoscience and nanotechnology content at primary school level: evaluation of students’ learning, Giorgos Peikos, Anna Spyrtou, Dimitris Pnevmatikos & Penelope Papadopoulou
  • Using the history of plate tectonics to teach the nature of science, Samuel Cornelius Nyarko & David Wyss Rudge
  • Depicting science teachers’ concerns regarding the Tanzanian inquiry-based science curriculum, Noel M. Makwinya, David H. McKinnon & Geoffrey W. Lummis
  • Does process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) improve students’ science academic performance and process skills?, Joevi Jhun A. Idul & Virgencita B. Caro
  • Developing prospective primary teachers’ learning-to-learn competence through experimental activities, Hortensia Morón-Monge & Antonio García-Carmona
  • A systematic review of studies investigating science teaching and learning: over two decades of TIMSS and PISA, Nani Teig, Ronny Scherer & Rolf Vegar Olsen



Sociology of Education (SOE)

 vol. 95, n°4, 10/2022

  • Learning from Error in Violence Prevention: A School Shooting as an Organizational Accident, Sarah Goodrum, Jessie Slepicka, William Woodward, and Beverly Kingston
  • Spatial Mismatch and the Share of Black, Hispanic, and White Students Enrolled in Charter Schools, Patrick Denice
  • Stereotype Promise: Racialized Teacher Appraisals of Asian American Academic Achievement, Keitaro Okura
  • Diffusing “Destandardization” Reforms across Educational Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: The Case of the World Bank, 1965 to 2020, Mobarak Hossain
