Δευτέρα 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Beyond grades: Raising the visibility and impact of PISA data on students’ well-being

 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD )




Innovative tools for the direct assessment of social and emotional skills

  Adriano Linzarini and Daniel Catarino da Silva

  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD )


Updated framework for monitoring adult learning: Enhancing data identification and indicator selection

  Mantas Sekmokas, Lotta Larsson, Ashley Roberts, Emanuel von Erlach, Yanjun Guo and Gara Rojas González

  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD )




Mapping the International Geneva Education Ecosystem

  Faul, M. V., Montes Ruíz, L. G., Lee, E. and Gabriel, B. G.

  Global Education Centre of the Geneva Graduate Institute (NORRAG)



A European maturity model for micro-credentials in higher education

  Den Hertog, Paul ; Wylie, Neill ; Widger, Laura ; Brande, Lieve Van den ; Schoerg, Kerstin ; Beyer, Andrea

  European Commission (EC)


La découverte des métiers au collège

  Jean-Marc Moullet (pilote,) Dominique Catoir, Sacha Kallenbach

  Inspection générale de l'Éducation, du Sport et de la Recherche (IGÉSR)



Réussite à l’École, réussite de l’École

   Bernadette GROISON

  Conseil économique, social et environnemental



Enseignement et recherche en administration de l'éducation (ERAdE)

   Vol. 5


  • Trajectoires de directions d’établissement scolaire dans le cadre d’une démarche d’accompagnement au soutien d’enseignants dans leurs pratiques évaluatives, Sylvie Fontaine, Lorraine Savoie-Zajc, Alain Cadieux et Jennifer Smith
  • La gestion du développement de la collaboration intersectorielle pour soutenir la réussite scolaire : quelles pratiques adopter ? Élodie Marion et Nassera Touati
  • Prendre en compte la diversité des élèves dans les établissements scolaires : les directions d’école entre tensions et innovations, Isabelle Noël


Éducation & formation 

  n° e-323,06/2024

   La différenciation en classe pour mieux apprendre - Tensions structurelles et savoirs professionnels

  • Éditorial – Différenciation des apprentissages : nouvelles approches en contexte éducatif, Bruno De Lièvre

Numéro thématique – La différenciation en classe pour mieux apprendre - Tensions structurelles et savoirs professionnels

  • Introduction – La différenciation en classe pour mieux apprendre – Tensions structurelles et savoirs professionnels, Andreea Capitanescu Benetti, Sylvain Connac, Mylène Leroux et Sabine Kahn
  • La différenciation pédagogique du point de vue d’enseignants du premier degré exerçant en éducation prioritaire, Caroline Baugey
  • Étude phénoménologique du fonctionnement d’une classe primaire multiâge en établissement français à l’étranger, Sylvain Connac
  • Différenciations pédagogiques par la flexibilisation des espaces, Laurent Lescouarch, Vanessa Desvages-Vasselin et Delphine Patry
  • Différenciation pédagogique avec des lycéens raccrocheurs : analyse de deux situations en mathématiques et en éducation physique et sportive, Bruno Robbes
  • Vers une différenciation pédagogique intégrée à la pratique au secondaire : étude multicas de trois enseignant·e·s, Geneviève Bergeron, Luc Prud’homme, Marie-Pierre Fortier, Katryne Ouellet, Laurie Bergeron, Marc-Antoine Gagné et Jeanne Bilodeau
  • Le concept de besoin dans la prise en compte de la diversité en éducation : essai de synthèse sur des façons de l’appréhender et des lieux de tension lors de son interprétation, Léna Bergeron, Geneviève Bergeron et Janique Lacerte
  • La différenciation pédagogique et l’apprentissage collaboratif pour mieux répondre aux besoins diversifiés d’élèves du deuxième cycle du secondaire, France Dubé, Maryse Gareau e tMarie-France Gendron-Blanchette
  • Flexible ou non l’aménagement de la classe au primaire au Québec en contexte de crise sanitaire ? Mylène Leroux, Jonathan Smith, Léna Bergeron, Julie Bergeron, Catherine Malboeuf- Hurtubise, Sylvain Turcotte et Geneviève Deschênes
  • Le rapport à la différence à l’école vaudoise : enjeux et écueils du développement du paradigme inclusif, Stéphanie Bauer et Marie Jacobs
  • L’enseignant, l’élève, deux regards complémentaires pour comprendre les représentations de la justice en classe au cœur de la différenciation, Andreea Capitanescu Benetti, Cynthia D’Addona, Geneviève Mottet et Léa Bugnon
  • Soutenir l’apprentissage du langage scolaire : les régulations interactives comme révélateur d’espaces de différenciation, Catherine Tobola Couchepin, Anne Paccolatet et Valérie Michelet
  • L’enseignement de la pédagogie différenciée dans les formations initiales d’enseignants en Belgique francophone, Sabine Kahn, Christophe Chanoine, Hichem Dahmouche, Amina Talhaoui et Elsa Roland


Enseignement et recherche en administration de l'éducation (ERAdE)

   Vol. 6


  • Mentorat, compétences émotionnelles et leadership transformationnel : trois composantes de la réussite professionnelle d’une direction d’établissement scolaire, Roula Hadchiti, Éric Frenette et Alexis Loye
  • Discrimination systémique dans l’accès à l’enseignement collégial québécois : une grille d’analyse pour modifier les pratiques institutionnelles, Émilie Doutreloux

Éducation & formation 

   n° e-321,06/2024

  Analyse de dispositifs pour soutenir les apprentissages fondateurs de la scolarité dès la maternelle

  • Éditorial – Renforcer les fondements de l'éducation dès la maternelle : perspectives innovantes, Bruno De Lièvre

Numéro thématique – Analyse de dispositifs pour soutenir les apprentissages fondateurs de la scolarité dès la maternelle

  • Introduction – Analyse de dispositifs pour soutenir les apprentissages fondateurs de la scolarité dès la maternelle,Sylvie Vanlint Muguerza et Gabriel Kappeler
  • Quand la pandémie révèle le poids des dispositifs, Elsa Roland, Amina Talhaoui et Sylvie Vanlint Muguerza
  • Former des enseignantes à une didactique du jeu : Un dispositif de formation continue inspiré des Lessons Studies, Anne Clerc-Georgy, Isabelle Truffer Moreau et Sylvie Richard
  • Collectif d’apprentissage de l’entrée dans l’écrit ou vivre l’expérience d’être transporté dans un univers inconnu, Béatrice Maire Sardi, Gabriel Kappeler et Daniel Martin
  • La perspective des enfants de 5 ans sur le jeu de faire-semblant et l’apprentissage, Linda Amrar et Anne Clerc-Georgy
  • Particularités de l’enseignement préscolaire : les implications pour mesurer les connaissances des enseignants, Yannick Lonhay et Annick Fagnant
  • Perception des parents à l’égard de l’expérience vécue par leur enfant en éducation par la nature, Caroline Bouchard, Michèle Leboeuf, Camille Lévesque-Desrosiers, Émilie McKinnon-Côté, Thomas Plouffe-Leboeuf et Joanne Lehrer
  • Connaissances des enseignants quant au développement langagier des enfants de 4 ans, Lauren Houben, Caroline Bouchard et Christelle Maillart
  • Enjeux langagiers et sociaux de lecture d’albums fictionnels, Camille Lassère-Totchilkine
  • Synthèse et recommandations, Edith El Khouba



Éducation & formation 

   n° e-322, 06/ 2024

  Les débriefings post-simulation dans les formations aux métiers de la santé, de la sécurité et de l'urgence

  • Éditorial – Les débriefings post-simulation : un levier pour l'émancipation professionnelle en santé, sécurité et urgence, Bruno De Lièvre

Numéro thématique – Les débriefings post-simulation dans les formations aux métiers de la santé, de la sécurité et de l'urgence

  • Introduction –Les débriefings post-simulation dans les formations aux métiers de la santé, de la sécurité et de l'urgence, Laurie-Anna Dubois, Joachim De Stercke et Simon Flandin
  • L'usage de la vidéo lors de débriefings post-simulation dans la formation de sapeurs-pompiers : quels effets sur l'activité du formateur ? Laurie-Anna Dubois et Joachim De Stercke
  • Sécurité psychologique en simulation - Pourquoi la bienveillance en simulation en santé ? Sophie Delvaux, Jean-Christophe Servotte, Pascal Detroz et Sophie Baijot
  • Débriefer pour mieux servir - Le dilemme pédagogique du débriefing post-simulation dans la formation des Sapeurs-Pompiers français, Julien Lemaire, Joachim De Stercke, Savannah Dubé et Jacob Deschênes
  • Soutenir les collaborations dès l'apprentissage - Leçons retenues de l'expérience de simulations et de débreffages en contexte multidisciplinaire, Marie-Eve Drouin, Mahmood Fayazi, Savannah Dubé, Christine Nadeau et Claudia Feuvrier
  • Qualité des débriefings et engagement des apprenants en simulation - Analyse de l'activité de cellules de crise d'infrastructures à risques lors de situations de crise simulées, Sylvie Vandestrate, Laurie-Anna Dubois et Agnès Van Daele
  • De quoi le débriefing est-il le nom ? -Propositions de formation alternatives au débriefing post-simulation, Simon Flandin, Elleke Ketelaars, Michel Equey, Élodie Ambrosetti, Zoya Horcik et Germain Poizat


  • Débriefing en triade : une conversation équilibrée ? Christophe Baco, Antoine Derobertmasure, Marie Bocquillon, Céline Borgies et Marc Demeuse
  • Formateurs d'enseignants dans un contexte de réforme - Perceptions des formateurs d'une Haute Ecole par rapport à la réforme de la formation initiale, Amandine Huet, Olivier Maes, Virginie März et Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven

Philosophical Inquiry in Education

   Vol. 31, n°1, 06/2024

  • Co-Authorship Trends in Philosophy of Education Journals in the US and Canada, Rebecca M. Taylor, Seunghyun Lee, Caitlin Murphy Brust
  • “It’s Not Going to Be Okay”: Stoic Wisdom for a Difficult World, Trent Davis
  • Sins of the Father: Exploring Shame as an Ethical Pedagogy to Advance British Columbia’s K–12 Settler Students Towards Reconciliation, Victor Brar
  • The Confucian Concept of Learning and the Aesthetics of Human Experience: An Eco-Ontological Interpretation, David Samuel Meyer
  • An Apprenticeship in Failure: Self-Cultivation and the Question of What to Do With Our Desires, Antti Saari, Jan Varpanen

Dialogue and Debate

  • Interpretation in Classroom Listening, Leonard J. Waks
  • The Doings of Philosophy of Education: An Interview with Claudia Ruitenberg, Claudia W. Ruitenberg, Sam Rocha
  • The Thick-Skinned Teacher: Stoicism in the Classroom, Avi Mintz

Book Reviews

  • Review of Integrations: The Struggle for Racial Equity and Civic Renewal in Public Education by Lawrence Blum and Zoë Burkholder (University of Chicago Press, 2021), Robyn Ilten-Gee
  • Review of Professional Ethics and Law in Education: A Canadian Guidebook by Bruce Maxwell, Dianne Gereluk and Christopher Martin (Canadian Scholars, 2022), Daniella J. Forster
  • Review of Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education by Julian Culp, Johannes Drerup, and Douglas Yacek (Cambridge University Press, 2023), Sarah Stitzlein
  • Review of Cancel Wars: How Universities Can Foster Free Speech, Promote Inclusion, and Renew Democracy by Sigal R. Ben-Porath (University of Chicago Press, 2023), Jonathan Turcotte-Summers


Pedagogy, Culture & Society

  Vol. 32, n°4, 06/2024
 Bewildering the Early Childhood ‘Pioneers’

  • Bewildering early childhood ‘pioneers’, Jayne Osgood, Nathan Jon Archer, Jo Albin-Clark & Sid Mohandas
  • Unsettling the unimaginable: a genealogical counterstory of early care and education in the United States, Brita A. Bookser
  • Revisiting Reggio Emilia through a more-than-human lullaby: diffractive montages as documenting childhood (and) literacy otherwise, Giovanna Caetano-Silva, Fernando Guzmán-Simón & Alejandra Pacheco-Costa
  • Re-imagining the Froebelian influence on early childhood education as a dynamic and ever-changing web of encounter, Mona Sakr & Veerma Kaur
  • Storytelling and error: challenging pioneer ontologies in early childhood education, Browning Neddeau & Marissa McClure
  • Troubling and diffracting Winnicott’s pioneering approach to playing through Deleuze’s ontology for early childhood education, Gabrielle Ivinson
  • Te whāriki, citizenship and young children: re-considering the ‘pioneering’ pedagogies of early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand, Peng Xu & Jenny Ritchie
  • Bewildering the legacy effects of Gail Melson’s wild things/animals/children, Tracy Charlotte Young & Pauliina Rautio
  • O paradoxical pioneer! repurposing steiner education in collage and scribble, Victoria de Rijke
  • Re-imagining the image of the educator in post-secondary early childhood education: calling for epistemic justice, Adam W. J. Davies, Brooke Richardson & Zuhra Abawi
  • Bewildering developmentalism: poetic juxtapositions and propositions to ask different questions about and with children, Oona Fontanella-Nothom
  • Age segregation in ECEC: tracing arguments and reanimating the critique of developmentalism, Lisa Annika Brandt & Soern Finn Menning
  • Unsettling the Play-based Approach by thinking with ghosts and haunting, Sung Ryung Lyu & Kara Roop Miheretu
  • Walking a desire track: Montessori pedagogy as resistance to normative pathways, Nathan Archer
  • Digitally doing Reggio: mobilising posthuman pedagogical knowledge co-creation with socially mediated performativities of early childhood education, Jo Albin-Clark



The Elementary School Journal (ESJ)

  Vol. 124, n°4,06/2024

  • Exploration of an SRSD Writing Strategy on Students’ Written Expressions of Math Reasoning and SenseMaking, Elizabeth M. Hughes, Paul J. Riccomini, Joo-Young Lee, Michelle J. Cook, and Kaleena A. Selfridge
  • Play, PE, Paint, and Performance: What Gets Left Behind When Teaching Academic Content in Kindergarten, Vi-Nhuan Le, Diana Schaack, and Michael Gottfried
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and Oral Reading Fluency, David Furjanic, Christopher Ives, David Fainstein, Patrick C. Kennedy, and Gina Biancarosa
  • Exploring Agency as a Malleable Factor Related to Literacy, Margaret Vaughn, Kira J. Carbonneau, Joshua Premo, and Vera Sotirovska
  • Literacy Coaches’ Sensemaking about Coaching Decisions Do Coaches Differentiate Based on Teacher Knowledge and Efficacy?, Margaret Troyer and Lowry Hemphill
  • Inquiry at Its Core: A Content Analysis of Inquiry Design Models, Kathryn L. Roberts, Kristy A. Brugar, and Alexander Cuenca
  • Conceptual Replications of the Teacher Study Group Approach to Professional Development in Vocabulary, Russell Gersten, Joseph Dimino, Madhavi Jayanthi, and Mary Jo Taylor


Educational Theory

   Vol. 74, n°3, 06/2024



  • The Ethics of World-Building in Normative Case Studies, Tatiana Geron, Meira Levinson
  • Methodological Reflections on Normative Case Studies: What They are and Why We Need Better Quality Criteria to Inform Their Use, Rebecca M. Taylor
  • What Comparisons Can Do for Normative Theory, Juan Espíndola
  • Educational Case Studies and Speaking for Others, Jennifer M. Morton
  • Normative Case Studies and Thought Experiments: How They Differ and Why We Need Both, Harry Brighouse
  • Normative Case Studies, Reflective Equilibrium, and the Ethics of Belief in Teacher Education, Daniella J. Forster
  • Theorizing to Cases: A Methodological Approach to Qualitative Normative Cases, Lauren Gatti, Paula McAvoy
  • On the Ethical Priority of Problem Solving in Case-Based Teacher Ethics: Grounding an Anti-Oppressive Approach, Nicolas Tanchuk, Alyssa Emery


  • Rethinking Subjectification: On the Limits of Biesta's Educational Theory, Andrew Thompson
  • Conceptualizing Socialization, Qualification, and Subjectification as Purposes of Education, Sara Juvonen, Heidi Huilla, Sonja Kosunen, Martin Thrupp, Auli Toom
  • Thinking Educationally about Psychology in Education:1 Gert Biesta's Critique Reconsidered, Jostein Sæther
  • Taking Education Seriously: The Ongoing Challenge, Gert Biesta


British Journal of Special Education (BJSE)

   Vol. 51, n°2, 06/2024

  • Editorial, Graham Hallett, Fiona Hallett


  • Continuing professional development for special educational needs and disabilities within the school workforce: The results of a national survey in England, Graeme Dobson, Helen Curran, Prithvi Perepa
  • ‘Sea-glass survivors’: Autistic testimonies about education experiences, Jacqui Shepherd, Beth Sutton, Simon Smith, Marysia Szlenkier
  • Creating an inclusive second language writing classroom through multiliteracies pedagogy: A duoethnography study, Mellisa Chin, Jia Rong Yap
  • The attitudes of teaching staff in specialised education towards inclusion and integration, Christy Tenback, Anke de Boer, Jan Bijstra
  • Deaf and hard-of-hearing EFL learners' perception of learning English: A narrative inquiry, Reza Rezvani, Hessameddin Ghanbar, Yasamin PourhematKhanshir
  • Social experiences of deaf and hard-of-hearing students at a Saudi Arabian university: A qualitative study, Munirah Alsamih
  • Challenges faced by learners with multiple disabilities at a resource school in the Oshana region of Namibia, Johanna Ambili, Cynthy Kaliinasho Haihambo, Anna Niitembu Hako
  • Holistically bridging the gap between education and healthcare: A case study model of assessment, Penelope Hannant
  • What priorities for change are we missing in inclusion? Symphony of voices with participatory interviews, María José Fiuza Asorey, Silvia Sierra Martínez, María Dolores Castro Pais, Ángeles Parrilla Latas
  • Neuromyths about dyscalculia and dyslexia among educators in the UK, J. Van Herwegen, L. A. Outhwaite, E. Herbert


  • Reducing SENCo workload: A forgotten task?, Christopher Robertson
  • National Professional Qualification (NPQ) for SENCos in England: Ready for launch, but who is it for?, Christopher Robertson


  • Politics page: June 2024, John Perry


  • We're all neurodiverse, Hannah Roberts
  • We're all neurodiverse, Miriam Walker


Rivista di Storia dell'Educazione (RSE)

   Vol. 11, n°1, 06/2024

  Participation, collegiality and decentralization: a reflection on the 1970s of the Italian school, half a century after the Delegated Decrees

  • Innovazione, omologazione, irreggimentazione. Le molteplici prospettive dei Decreti Delegati, Pietro Causarano, Chiara Martinelli
  • La scuola negli anni ’70 tra storia e storiografia. Dalle “riforme molecolari” alla nascita di una “nuova cultura educativa”, Daria Gabusi
  • L’autonomia scolastica prima dell’autonomia. Il Dpr. 419/74 e le sperimentazioni di ordinamento e struttura tra anni Settanta e Ottanta, Giordano Lovascio
  • Il mondo cattolico di fronte ai decreti delegati, Andrea Dessardo
  • Decreti delegati e movimento studentesco negli anni Settanta, Lanfranco Rosso
  • Informazione radio-televisiva e partecipazione intorno ai “decreti delegati” (1969-1975), Vanessa Roghi
  • Partecipazione, cambiamento e promozione del bambino nella sperimentazione del tempo pieno. Il caso della scuola elementare di Groppello (Cassano d’Adda 1969-1985), Fabio Pruner
  • Visioni di scuola a tempo pieno nella collana “Biblioteca di Lavoro”: antiautoritarismo e protagonismo studentesco, Silvia Pacelli
  • Di lotta e di salute. Socializzazione e alfabetizzazione nei corsi delle “150 ore” a Torino, Paolo Bianchini, Francesco Pongiluppi
  • I beni culturali della scuola tra storia e memoria: spunti di riflessione sul patrimonio storico-educativo e sulle strategie comunicative del Museo de la Educación de la Universidad del País Vasco (Spagna), Costanza Lucchetti
  • Antonella Cagnolati (ed.), Gendered lights of reason. Cultural and educational perspectives, Roma, Tab Edizioni, 2023, Dalila Forni
  • Paola Cuccioli, Grazia Loparco (a cura di), Le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice in Italia (1872-2022) Case e opere, Palumbi, Teramo, 2023, 2 voll. (pp. 1370 complessive), Furio Pesci
  • Francesca Davida Pizzigoni, Tracce di patrimonio: fonti per lo studio della materialità scolastica nell’Italia del secondo Ottocento, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2022, 382 pp.129, Paulí Dávila Balsera, Gizele de Souza

Pedagogia più Didattica

  Vol. 10, n°1, 05/2024

  • La tesi di abilitazione di Petar Noykov, Милка Терзийска
  • La investigación. Un proceso de cambio en la formación inicial, María Verónica Nava Avilés, Laura Guadalupe Carreño Crespo
  • Review sui programmi internazionali di Induction Training degli insegnanti, Berta Martini
  • L’educazione cosmica di Maria Montessori: alle origini di un progetto ancora oggi attuale, Rossella Raimondo
  • Imparare a valutare per insegnare a valutarsi, Rossella D’Ugo, Chiara Montanari, Marta Salvucci
  • La clinica della formazione per riflettere sull’intercultura nei servizi per l’infanzia, Farnaz Farahi
  • Scienza e poesia: la letteratura giovanile di divulgazione scientifica tra gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, Tiziana Mascia



Oxford Review of Education

 Vol. 50, n°4, 06/2024

  • What is academic development? Contributing a frontier-extending conceptual analysis to the field’s epistemic development, Linda Evans
  • The DECAY of Merton’s scientific norms and the new academic ethos, Bruce Macfarlane
  • The role of education in a democracy: continuing the debate, Tony Leach, Jordi Collet-Sabé, Antoni Tort Bardolet, Núria Simó Gil & Matthew Clarke
  • Do school preferences differ between mothers and fathers? International evidence from PISA, John Jerrim, Claudia Prieto-Latorre, Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo & Oscar David Marcenaro-Gutierrez
  • An exploratory study on the relationships between positive emotions and target language vocabulary knowledge, Eun-Young Choi & Jang Ho Lee
  • Student voice and teacher voice in educational research: a systematic review of 25 years of literature from 1995–2020, Jenna Gillett-Swan & Aspa Baroutsis
  • Can a code-based approach to marking and feedback reduce teachers’ workload? An evaluation of the FLASH marking intervention, Rebecca Morris, Stephen Gorard, Beng Huat See & Nadia Siddiqui
  • Conceptualising small rural school-community relationships within a divided society: people, meanings, practices and spaces, Montserrat Fargas Malet & Carl Bagley
  • Politics of PISA in educational agenda-setting: an analysis of the media coverage of PISA 2000-2018 in South Korea, Subeen Jang

British Educational Research Journal (BERJ)

  Vol. 50, n°3, 06/2024

  • Implications of the genomic revolution for education research and policy, Tim T. Morris, Stephanie von Hinke, Lindsey Pike, Neil R. Ingram, George Davey Smith, Marcus R. Munafò, Neil M. Davies
  • What are the success factors for schools in remote Indigenous communities?, Anthony Dillon, Philip Riley, Nicola Filardi, Alicia Franklin, Marcus Horwood, Jennifer McMullan, Rhonda G. Craven, Melissa Schellekens
  • ‘The power to SAY what I want to and it gets written down’: Situating children's and adults' voices and silence in participatory research, Sabine Little, Hannah Raine, Ailin Choo, Ronia Joshi, Shanza J. Qarni, Ayden Sukri, Grace Horton, Sarah Pakravesh
  • Impact of reciprocal peer observation on teacher collaboration perceptions, Mariona Corcelles-Seuba, Ingrid Sala-Bars, Mireia Soler, David Duran
  • Education systems and academic stress—A comparative perspective, Björn Högberg
  • Australian senior-secondary teachers’ perceptions of leadership and policy for differentiated instruction, Tom Porta, Nicole Todd, Lorraine Gaunt
  • Learning from failure: A context-informed perspective on RCTs, Mike Coldwell, Nick Moore
  • Fair funding for pupils with special educational needs and disability in England?, Alan J. Marsh, Peter Gray, Brahm Norwich
  • The link between teacher buy-in and intentions to continue working in their current school, John Jerrim
  • Combatting conspiracies in the classroom: Teacher strategies and perceived outcomes, Lee Jerome, Ben Kisby, Steve McKay
  • Teachers taking perceptions of student attributes into consideration when formulating track recommendations?, Anne van Leest, Lisette Hornstra, Jan van Tartwijk, Janneke van de Pol
  • ‘… They're talking to you as if they're kind of dumbing it down’: A thematic analysis of Black students' perceived reasons for the university awarding gap, Blessing N. Marandure, Jess Hall, Saima Noreen
  • Mapping school-level language policies across multilingual secondary schools in England: An ecology of English, modern languages and community languages policies, Karen Forbes, Nicola Morea
  • Lyceum and university aspirations among migrants and non-migrants in Italy, Alessio Buonomo, Giustina Orientale Caputo, Giuseppe Gabrielli, Giuseppe Gargiulo
  • Problematising teachers' accounts of privilege in elite high schools, Ilanit Pinto-Dror, Avihu Shoshana
  • Teacher-composed cases of practice as and for dissemination, reflection and data, Bronwen Cowie, Suzanne Trask, Frances Edwards
  • How hermeneutics can guide grading in integrated STEAM education: An evidence-informed perspective, Christopher DeLuca, Michelle Dubek, Nathan Rickey
  • Mental wellbeing among higher education students in England during the pandemic: A longitudinal study of COVID-19 experiences, social connectedness and greenspace use, Anaïs Lemyre, Benjamin W. Chrisinger, Emma Palmer-Cooper, Jane P. Messina
  • Mapping active civic learning in primary schools across England—A call to action, Alison Body, Emily Lau, Jack Cunliffe, Lindsey Cameron
  • The positioning tensions between early career teachers’ and mentors’ perceptions of the mentor role, Elizabeth Curtis, Hoa Thi Mai Nguyen, Ellen Larsen, Tony Loughland
  • Exploring teachers' views of cultural capital in English schools, Gareth Bates, Steve Connolly
  • Factors affecting secondary teacher wellbeing in England: Self-perceptions, policy and politics, Laura McQuade
  • Drivers of school choice: Primary school selection in a free choice context, Andrea Parma, Tommaso Agasisti, Costanzo Ranci
  • Supporting teacher judgement and decision-making: Using focused analysis to help teachers see students, learning, and quality in assessment data, Claire Wyatt-Smith, Lenore Adie, Lois Harris
  • Mental health trajectories in adolescents during Covid-19: ‘Are we all in this together’?, Dimitra Hartas
  • Setting research priorities for applied cognitive sciences—What do teachers want from research?, Lisa-Maria Müller, Victoria Cook
  • Virtual schools for care-experienced learners in Scotland: Reflections on an emerging concept in a new context, Leanne McIver, Michael Bettencourt
  • ‘You work, I copy’. Images, narratives and metaphors around academic plagiarism through Fotovoz, Silvia Sierra-Martínez, María-Esther Martínez-Figueira, María Dolores Castro Pais, Teresa Pessoa
  • Mental health, bullying and school connectedness: A comparative analysis of school transition at age 11 from within the Welsh education system, Caitlyn Donaldson, Kelly Morgan, Nicholas Page, Lianna Angel, Graham Moore
  • ‘Where do you feel it most?’ Using body mapping to explore the lived experiences of racism with 10- and 11-year-olds, L. Gorell Barnes, T. Podpadec, Verity Jones, J. Vafadari, C. Pawson, S. Whitehouse, M. Richards



Paedagogica Historica

  Vol. 60, n°3, 06/2024

  Researching Narratives in History of Education

  • Between Democratic Ideals and Local Conditions: Elementary School Teachers’ Narratives of Progressive Teaching in Sweden in the 1940s, Johan Samuelsson, Åsa Melin, Christina Olin-Scheller & Niklas Gericke
  • Towards a racial justice project: oral history methodology, critical race theory, and African American education, ArCasia D. James-Gallaway & Francena F.L. Turner
  • Narratives of financial assistance for university students and the emergence of HECS in Australia, James Waghorne & Gwilym Croucher
  • Pro libris lites, pro calamis gladii: Johann Peter Lotichius and the demise of the German university during the Thirty Years’ War, Isabella Walser-Bürgler
  • Struggling for girls’ education: coalition strategies of Norwegian and German women’s rights activists in comparative-historical perspective, Katharina Sass
  • From record keeping to a new knowledge regime: the special school pupil as a new pedagogical object in Prussia around 1900, Vera Moser, Jona T. Garz & Stefanie Frenz
  • Intuitive law for the children: a legal historical perspective on educator Janusz Korczak’s thought and practice, Talia Diskin
  • A genealogical study of the emergence of kindergartens in Iran: an intersectional approach, Narges Sadat Sajjadieh & Zsuzsa Millei
  • Educating society for a New Argentina. Childhood and the formation of subjectivities through the film Vacaciones útiles (Useful holidays) (Argentina, 1948), Eduardo Galak & María Silvia Serra
  • The Intermediate Education (Ireland) Bill 1878: “a very imperfect attempt to aid Irish intermediate education”?, Brendan Walsh

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