Δευτέρα 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


Oxford Review of Education

 Vol. 50, n°4, 06/2024

  • What is academic development? Contributing a frontier-extending conceptual analysis to the field’s epistemic development, Linda Evans
  • The DECAY of Merton’s scientific norms and the new academic ethos, Bruce Macfarlane
  • The role of education in a democracy: continuing the debate, Tony Leach, Jordi Collet-Sabé, Antoni Tort Bardolet, Núria Simó Gil & Matthew Clarke
  • Do school preferences differ between mothers and fathers? International evidence from PISA, John Jerrim, Claudia Prieto-Latorre, Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo & Oscar David Marcenaro-Gutierrez
  • An exploratory study on the relationships between positive emotions and target language vocabulary knowledge, Eun-Young Choi & Jang Ho Lee
  • Student voice and teacher voice in educational research: a systematic review of 25 years of literature from 1995–2020, Jenna Gillett-Swan & Aspa Baroutsis
  • Can a code-based approach to marking and feedback reduce teachers’ workload? An evaluation of the FLASH marking intervention, Rebecca Morris, Stephen Gorard, Beng Huat See & Nadia Siddiqui
  • Conceptualising small rural school-community relationships within a divided society: people, meanings, practices and spaces, Montserrat Fargas Malet & Carl Bagley
  • Politics of PISA in educational agenda-setting: an analysis of the media coverage of PISA 2000-2018 in South Korea, Subeen Jang

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