Τρίτη 18 Ιουνίου 2024


Higher Education Quaterly

   Vol. 78, n°2, 4/ 2024

  PhD Graduates employment Trajectories in East Asia

  • Decision making of PhD students regarding careers and employment in East Asia, Wenqin Shen, Hugo Horta
  • Occupational choice, satisfaction and success of PhD graduates in East Asia and the West: A systematic review, Yu Yang, Tatiana Fumasoli
  • A good university or a good city?: Double considerations in the employment decisions of STEM doctoral graduates in China, Yue Chen, Jiayi Lyu, Wenqin Shen, Dandong Xyu, Yue Zhai
  • Career decision-making among Chinese doctoral engineering graduates after studying in the United States, Qian Huang, Jisun Jung
  • Where is our way? A collaborative autoethnography of overseas-educated Chinese female PhDs' academic career decision journey, Yingxin Liu, Xin Li, Lilan Chen
  • Unsettling academia: Academic career choices and pathways of PhD graduates in the Greater Bay Area in China, Yingxin Liu, Danling Li
  • Embarking on the postdoc journey: Unveiling Chinese doctoral graduates' expectations and experiences, Gaoming Zheng, Liping Li, Yue Zhai, Wenqin Shen
  • Exploring the identity development of PhD graduates transitioning to non-researcher roles, Huan Li, Hugo Horta
  • Doctoral students from Chinese prestigious universities who wish to work in the government sector: Perceptions and mechanisms, Yue Yin, Huirui Zhang, Yue Tan
  • Changes in doctoral graduates' employment and doctoral students' views of their future career in Japan in 2012–2018, Futao Huang
  • Postdoctoral researchers' experience and their career plan in a research-focused university in South Korea, Soo Jeung Lee, Jung Cheol Shin
  • Career trajectory and cross-system mobility: Career planning of doctoral students in Macao, Yun Ge
  • Why do students pursue a doctorate in the era of the ‘PhD crisis’? Evidence from Taiwan, Hugo Horta, Huan Li, Sheng-Ju Chan

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