Τρίτη 18 Ιουνίου 2024


The journal of Educational Research

  Vol. 117, n°2, 4/ 2024

  • A cultural, technological, and contextual pedagogy to enhance retention of biology concepts, Franklin U. Onowugbeda, Peter A. Okebukola, Adeleke M. Ige, Saladoye N. Lameed, Deborah O. Agbanimu & Umar A. Adam
  • The effect of the mathematics bag early education program, Abdülbaki Ergel & Yasemin Aydoğan
  • Preschool teachers’ beliefs about children, self-efficacy, classroom quality and children’s early language, Jamlick Peter Ondieki Bosire
  • Examining students’ tripartite efficacy beliefs in physical education through a teaching personal and social responsibility intervention, Min Pan & Wei-Ting Hsu
  • Student groups evaluating their group work and learning of critical online reading, Timo Salminen, Minna Lakkala, Liisa Ilomäki & Miika Marttunen

Book Review

  • Ecological perspectives in early language education: Parent, teacher, peer and child agency in interaction By M. Schwartz, New York, Routledge, 2024, Yujie Huang & Peng Li

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