Τρίτη 18 Ιουνίου 2024


Journal of Education Policy (JEP)

 Vol. 39, n°3, 3/2024

  • What is governance? Projects, objects and analytics in education, Andrew W. Wilkins & Denise Mifsud
  • When policy intermediaries produce knowledge: A Bourdieusian analysis of the Education Endowment Foundation’s influence in a multi-academy trust, Mark Innes
  • Privatising public schools via product pipelines: Teach For Australia, policy networks and profit, Emma Rowe, Sarah Langman & Christopher Lubienski
  • The Hurricane network: District takeover and neoliberal reconstruction in the emerging ‘global city’, Nirali Jani
  • Deliberation and decisionism in educational policymaking: How Nepali educational policymakers negotiate with foreign aid agencies, Kapil Dev Regmi
  • Does public consultation affect policy formulation? Negotiation strategies between the administration and citizens, Tae-Hee Choi & Yee-Lok Wong
  • Beyond epistemic exodus in educational studies: a response to Jordi Collet-Sabé and Stephen J. Ball, Alexander J. Means
  • Behind the scenes: an analysis of policy networks in the contemporary Israeli education landscape, May Amiel, Miri Yemini & Amit Rechavi

Book Review

  • Dire straits, educational reforms: ideology, vested interests and evidence by Montserrat Gomendio and José Ignacio Wert, Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023, Fiona S. Baker
  • Review of ‘The culture trap, by Dr. Derron Wallace’ by Veronica Poku, United States of America, Oxford University Press, 2023, Veronica Poku

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