Τρίτη 9 Ιουλίου 2024


Journal of Education Policy (JEP)

  Vol. 39, n°4, 05/2024

  • Where are we heading? Hackathons as a new, relational form of policymaking, Annina Förschler & Mathias Decuypere
  • Performance agreement through the lens of resource dependence theory, Vuokko Kohtamäki
  • Teachers’ everyday work-for-change: implementing curriculum policy in ‘disadvantaged’ schools, Julianne Lynch, Glenn Auld, Joanne O’Mara & Anne Cloonan
  • Working-class student-hood and ‘job-readiness’: Affective relations of class, gender and employability policy in higher education, Maree Martinussen & Dianne Mulcahy
  • The ‘Double-Reduction’ Education Policy in China: Three Prevailing Narratives, Haiyan Qian, Allan Walker & Shuangye Chen
  • Teachers’ work under responsibilising policies: an analysis of educators’ views on China’s 2021 educational reforms, Achala Gupta & Xi Zhao
  • Professional learning communities under test-based accountability: evidence from an Israeli intervention programme, Yariv Feniger, Jenna Goldshtein & Dana Vedder-Weiss
  • A Foucauldian analysis of research Assessment in a postcolonial context: the example of Hong Kong, Charlene Tan

Book Review

  • Schooling in a democracy: returning education to the public service by Richard Riddell, Policy Press, Bristol University Press, 2023, Giannis S Efthymiou
  • A political sociology of education policy by Gunter Helen M. Bristol, England, Policy Press, 2023, Amani Bouchareb

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