Paedagogica Historica
Vol. 49, n°5, octobre 2013
- Le système des récompenses et des peines selon L.-F.F. Gauthey (1795–1864), Anne Ruolt
- The stranger within: Luxembourg’s early school system as a European prototype of nationally legitimized international blends (ca. 1794–1844), Geert Thyssen
- Food recommendations in domestic education, Belgium 1890–1940, Peter Scholliers
- Greek technical–vocational education (1870–1940): intentions and failed aspirations, Pandelis Kiprianos
- The complexity of intellectual currents: Duncan McArthur and Ontario’s progressivist curriculum reforms, Theodore Michael Christou
- Memories of life experiences in a teacher training institution during the revolution, António Gomes Ferreira & Luís Mota
- Educational testing as an accountability measure: drawing on twentieth-century Danish history of education experiences, Christian Ydesen
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