Τετάρτη 3 Ιουλίου 2024


Encyclopaideia (EnCP)

  Vol. 28, n°68, 4/ 2024

  • Il “mondo a parte” degli insegnanti, Roberto Farné


  • The Phenomenologically Oriented Vignette: A Narrative Tool for Qualitative Empirical Research, Cinzia Zadra, Evi Agostini
  • The Formation of Students’ Competencies during their Participation in Competitions of Applied Scientific Researches, Oleg N. Galaktionov, Yuriy V. Sukhanov, Aleksey S. Vasilyev, Artur S. Kozyr, Yelena A. Kempy
  • Fostering Education and Combating Educational Poverty. A Matter of Paradigms?, Simona Finetti
  • The Value of Risk in the Outdoor Educational Experience, Milena Masseretti, Michela Schenetti
  • Promoting Ethics for Citizenship: Potential of an Educative Research on Friendship in Primary School, Rosi Bombieri
  • The Literature ‘from’ Childhood: A New Epistemological Frontier with which to Read and Look at Books for Children, Simone di Biasio


  • Philippe Meirieu, Quale educazione per salvare la democrazia? Dalla libertà di pensare alla costruzione di un mondo comune, edizione italiana a cura di Enrico Bottero, Armando, Roma, ISBN: 1259844560, 208 pp., 2023, Gemma Errico 

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