Economics of Education Review
Vol.31, n°6, 12/2012
- The effects of high school math curriculum on college atte
- ndance: Evidence from the NLSY97, Alison Aughinbaugh
- Funding higher education and wage uncertainty: Income contingent loan versus mortgage loan, Giuseppe Migali
- Does generosity beget generosity? Alumni giving and undergraduate financial aid Original Research Article, Jonathan Meer, Harvey S. Rosen Federal policies, state responses, and community college outcomes: Testing an augmented Bennett hypothesis, Allison B. Frederick, Stephen J. Schmidt, Lewis S. Davis
- The impact of educational mismatch on firm productivity: Evidence from linked panel data, Stephan Kampelmann, François Rycx
- Every child matters? An evaluation of “Special Educational Needs” programmes in England, Francois Keslair, Eric Maurin, Sandra McNally
- Do tuition fees affect enrollment behavior? Evidence from a ‘natural experiment’ in Germany, Malte Hübner
- Adolescent drug use and the deterrent effect of school-imposed penalties, G.R. Waddell
- Early to rise? The effect of daily start times on academic performance, Finley Edwards
- The spatial geography of teacher labor markets: Evidence from a developing country, Miguel Jaramillo
- College major choice and ability: Why is general ability not enough?, Tjaša Bartolj, Sašo Polanec
- Sibling composition and child educational attainment: Evidence from native Amazonians in Bolivia, Wu Zeng, Eduardo A. Undurraga, Dan T.A. Eisenberg, Karla Rubio-Jovel, Victoria Reyes-García, Tsimane’ Amazonian Panel Study, Correo
- Evidence on the efficacy of school-based incentives for healthy living, H.E. Cuffe, W.T. Harbaugh, J.M. Lindo, G. Musto, G.R. Waddell
- Maternal work conditions and child development, Christina Felfe, Amy Hsin
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