Δευτέρα 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Pedagogy, Culture & Society

  Vol. 32, n°4, 06/2024
 Bewildering the Early Childhood ‘Pioneers’

  • Bewildering early childhood ‘pioneers’, Jayne Osgood, Nathan Jon Archer, Jo Albin-Clark & Sid Mohandas
  • Unsettling the unimaginable: a genealogical counterstory of early care and education in the United States, Brita A. Bookser
  • Revisiting Reggio Emilia through a more-than-human lullaby: diffractive montages as documenting childhood (and) literacy otherwise, Giovanna Caetano-Silva, Fernando Guzmán-Simón & Alejandra Pacheco-Costa
  • Re-imagining the Froebelian influence on early childhood education as a dynamic and ever-changing web of encounter, Mona Sakr & Veerma Kaur
  • Storytelling and error: challenging pioneer ontologies in early childhood education, Browning Neddeau & Marissa McClure
  • Troubling and diffracting Winnicott’s pioneering approach to playing through Deleuze’s ontology for early childhood education, Gabrielle Ivinson
  • Te whāriki, citizenship and young children: re-considering the ‘pioneering’ pedagogies of early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand, Peng Xu & Jenny Ritchie
  • Bewildering the legacy effects of Gail Melson’s wild things/animals/children, Tracy Charlotte Young & Pauliina Rautio
  • O paradoxical pioneer! repurposing steiner education in collage and scribble, Victoria de Rijke
  • Re-imagining the image of the educator in post-secondary early childhood education: calling for epistemic justice, Adam W. J. Davies, Brooke Richardson & Zuhra Abawi
  • Bewildering developmentalism: poetic juxtapositions and propositions to ask different questions about and with children, Oona Fontanella-Nothom
  • Age segregation in ECEC: tracing arguments and reanimating the critique of developmentalism, Lisa Annika Brandt & Soern Finn Menning
  • Unsettling the Play-based Approach by thinking with ghosts and haunting, Sung Ryung Lyu & Kara Roop Miheretu
  • Walking a desire track: Montessori pedagogy as resistance to normative pathways, Nathan Archer
  • Digitally doing Reggio: mobilising posthuman pedagogical knowledge co-creation with socially mediated performativities of early childhood education, Jo Albin-Clark


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