Δευτέρα 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


The Elementary School Journal (ESJ)

  Vol. 124, n°4,06/2024

  • Exploration of an SRSD Writing Strategy on Students’ Written Expressions of Math Reasoning and SenseMaking, Elizabeth M. Hughes, Paul J. Riccomini, Joo-Young Lee, Michelle J. Cook, and Kaleena A. Selfridge
  • Play, PE, Paint, and Performance: What Gets Left Behind When Teaching Academic Content in Kindergarten, Vi-Nhuan Le, Diana Schaack, and Michael Gottfried
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and Oral Reading Fluency, David Furjanic, Christopher Ives, David Fainstein, Patrick C. Kennedy, and Gina Biancarosa
  • Exploring Agency as a Malleable Factor Related to Literacy, Margaret Vaughn, Kira J. Carbonneau, Joshua Premo, and Vera Sotirovska
  • Literacy Coaches’ Sensemaking about Coaching Decisions Do Coaches Differentiate Based on Teacher Knowledge and Efficacy?, Margaret Troyer and Lowry Hemphill
  • Inquiry at Its Core: A Content Analysis of Inquiry Design Models, Kathryn L. Roberts, Kristy A. Brugar, and Alexander Cuenca
  • Conceptual Replications of the Teacher Study Group Approach to Professional Development in Vocabulary, Russell Gersten, Joseph Dimino, Madhavi Jayanthi, and Mary Jo Taylor

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