International Journal of Science Education (IJSE)
Vol. 40, n°11, 7/2018
- Do outreach activities in secondary STEM education motivate students and improve their attitudes towards STEM?, Johanna Vennix, Perry den Brok & Ruurd Taconis
- Moderation of the effects of scientific inquiry activities on low SES students’ PISA 2015 science achievement by school teacher support and disciplinary climate in science classroom across gender, Shaohui Chi, Xiufeng Liu, Zuhao Wang & Seong Won Han
- Explicit promotion of experimental skills. And what about the content-related skills?, Britta Kalthoff, Heike Theyssen & Nico Schreiber
- The influence of prior knowledge on experiment design guidance in a science inquiry context, Siswa A. N. van Riesen, Hannie Gijlers, Anjo Anjewierden & Ton de Jong
- Talking modelling: examining secondary science teachers’ modelling-related talk during a model-based inquiry unit, Ron Gray & Allyson Rogan-Klyve
- How do approaches to solving open-ended problems vary within the science disciplines?, Christopher Randles, Tina Overton, Ross Galloway & Marsali Wallace
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