Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2024


American Educational Research Journal (AERJ)

  Vol. 61, n°5, 10/2024

  • Politics and Children's Books: Evidence From School Library Collections, Kirsten Slungaard Mumma
  • “He’s Probably the Only Teacher I’ve Actually Learned From”: Marginalized Students’ Experiences With and Self-Perceptions of High School Mathematics, Ashli-Ann Douglas, Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Rebecca Adler
  • Paying for School Finance Reforms: How States Raise Revenues to Fund Increases in Elementary-Secondary Education Expenditures, Shelby M. McNeill, Christopher A. Candelaria
  • How Do Socioeconomic Differences Among Low-Income and Racially Minoritized Students Shape Their Engagement and Access in School Choice Systems?, Jeremy Singer
  • The Returns to Experience for School Principals, Brendan Bartanen, Aliza N. Husain, David D. Liebowitz, Laura K. Roger
  • Leading Systemwide Improvement in Elementary Science Education: Managing Dilemmas of Education System Building, Emily Rose Seeber, James P. Spillane, Xiaoyu Yin, Christa Haverly, Weiyu Quan

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