Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2024


The Curriculum Journal

Vol. 35, n°3, 09/2024



  • Bittersweet endings and new beginnings: Another cycle of experience as curriculum, Mark Priestley, Stavroula Philippou


  • Participatory curriculum development: The case of EUTOPIA, a European university alliance, Linde Moriau, Jo Angouri
  • The formation of language teacher identity: A narrative inquiry of an EFL teacher's ER implementation, Xiaomei Sun, Farah Akbar
  • Teachers' perspectives on the relationship between secondary school departments of science and religious education: Independence or mutual enrichment?, Mary Woolley, Robert A. Bowie, Sabina Hulbert, Caroline Thomas, John-Paul Riordan, Lynn Revell
  • Exploring ‘Future three’ curriculum scenarios in practice: Learning from the GeoCapabilities project, T. Béneker, G. Bladh, D. Lambert
  • From boundary maintenance to boundary crossing: Geography in the Norwegian national curriculum, Ingrid Løken, Annika Wetlesen
  • Critical education for sustainability and Chantal Mouffe's green democratic revolution, John Huckle
  • Exploring the hidden canvas: Conceptualisations of nature in early years curricula and standard documents in Turkey, Vahide Yiğit-Gençten, Mehmet Gultekin, Filiz Aydemir
  • Teaching music unmusically: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on secondary school music curricula in England, Anthony Anderson
  • Challenges in applying principles from cognitive science to the design of a school mathematics curriculum, Colin Foster, Bethany Woollacott, Tom Francome, Chris Shore, Caroline Peters, Hannah Morley


  • Curriculum in Professional Practice: Enacting agency in curriculum-making, Grace Healy, Matthew Courtney, Hermione Paddle, Letizia Riddell

Perspective and Reflection

  • Affective responses to curriculum making in Aotearoa New Zealand, John Etty
  • The place for disciplinary knowledge: Teacher insights into interdisciplinary learning from international schools, Hermione Paddle
  • Perspectives from university tutors on the use of collaborative enquiry-based approaches to develop pre-service teachers' pedagogies and understanding of inclusive practice, Elizabeth Gregory, Lisa Murtagh, Karen Beswick


  • Review of: Pluriversal literacies for sustainable futures: When words are not enough, Mary Ott

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