Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2024


Oxford Review of Education

Vol. 50, n°5, 09/2024

  • Effects of a professional development programme on teachers’ classroom practices in Colombia, Andrés Pinzón, Pedro Gómez & María José González

  • The limits to dialogue, Laura D’Olimpio

  • Young children’s pre-academic and social skills: role of parents’ locus of control and children’s ADHD behaviours, Tony Xing Tan, Joy Huanhuan Wang, Yi Zhou & Yaxuan Deng

  • Promoting politically contested change by invisible education policies: the case of ultra-Orthodox public schools in Israel, Shai Katzir & Lotem Perry-Hazan

  • Early school leaving, number of siblings and birth order in Spain, Miguel Requena

  • Failing at the basics: disabled university students’ views on enhancing classroom inclusion, Troy Heffernan

  • University students’ interpretations of study-related peer sociality, Toni Kosonen, Marita Mäkinen, Johanna Annala & Leena Penttinen

  • Youth education decisions and occupational misalignment and mismatch: evidence from a representative cohort study of Australian youth, Intifar Sadiq Chowdhury, Ben Edwards & Andrew Norton


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