History of Education
Vol.44, n°3, 5/2015
- History, nation and school inspections: the introduction of citizenship education in elementary schools in late nineteenth-century Sweden, Jakob Evertsson
- Forging Habsburg Muslim girls: gender, education and empire in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1878–1918), Fabio Giomi
- ‘Listen to the voice of reason’: the New Orleans Tribune as advocate for public, integrated education, Kristi Richard Melancon & Petra Munro Hendry
- Mexican Americans and the push for culturally relevant education: the bilingual education movement in Tucson, 1958–1969, Maritza De La Trinidad
- Activism, identity and service: the influence of the Asian American Movement on the educational experiences of college students, Thai-Huy Nguyen & Marybeth Gasman
- A foreign model of teacher education and its local appropriation: the English teachers’ centres in Spain, Tamar Groves
- Continuity and change in disaster education in Japan, Kaori Kitagawa
- The impact and legacy of educational sloyd: head and hands in harness, Richard Aldrich
- The architectures of childhood: children, modern architecture and reconstruction in postwar England, Catherine Burke
- Generational conflict and university reform: Oxford in the age of revolution, Robert Anderson
- The beginnings of university English: extramural study, 1885–1910, Jonathan Godshaw Memel
- Language teaching through the ages, Charlotte V.T. Murakami
- Comparative historical methods, Tanya Fitzgerald
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