Τρίτη 9 Μαρτίου 2010

History of Education

History of Education

Vol.39, n°2, mars 2010

* Cultural internationalism at the Cite Universitaire: international education between the First and Second World Wars, Jehnie Reis
* Crossing borders: academic refugee women, education and the British Federation of University Women during the Nazi era, Susan Cohen
* Oldham's Moot (1938-1947), the universities and the adult citizen, Tom Steele, Richard Kenneth Taylo
* r Bending the bars of the identity cage: Amy Brown and the development of teacher identity in British Columbia, Helen Raptis
* UNESCO's programme of fundamental education, 1946-1959, Joseph Watras
* 'To hold the subject's territory': the Swedish Association of Biology Teachers and two curricular reforms, 1960-1965, Jonas Hallstrom
* Educational reconstruction through the lens of archaeology, Patrice Milewski
* Understanding education and India: new turns in postcolonial scholarship, Tim Allender


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