Economics of Education Review
Vol. 32, n°2, février 2013
- Does private tutoring improve students’ National College Entrance Exam performance?—A case study from Jinan, China, Yu Zhang
- Retaining through training even for older workers, Matteo Picchio, Jan C. van Ours
- Does the availability of parental health insurance affect the college enrollment decision of young Americans?, Juergen Jung, Diane M. Harnek Hall, Thomas Rhoads
- Contributions of qualitative research to understanding savings for children and youth, Margaret Sherraden, Clark Peters, Kristen Wagner, Baorong Guo, Margaret Clancy
- Stuck in a mismatch? The persistence of overeducation during twenty years of the post-communist transition in Poland, Anna Kiersztyn
- Estimating the distributional effects of education reforms: A look at Project STAR, Erika Jackson, Marianne E. Page
- A multilevel decomposition of school performance using robust nonparametric frontier techniques, Claudio Thieme, Diego Prior, Emili Tortosa-Ausina
- The impact of Chile's school feeding program on education outcomes, Patrick J. McEwan
- Incentives from curriculum tracking, Kristian Koerselman
- Future skill shortages in the U.S. economy?, David Neumark, Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia
- Promoting scientific faculties: Does it work? Evidence from Italy, Virginia Maestri
- The role of noncognitive traits in undergraduate study behaviours, Liam Delaney, Colm Harmon, Martin Ryan
- Why women are progressive in education? Gender disparities in human capital, labor markets, and family arrangement in the Philippines, Futoshi Yamauchi, Marites Tiongco
- Over-education of recent higher education graduates: New Australian panel evidence, David Carroll, Massimiliano Tani
- Pomp and circumstance: University presidents and the role of human capital in determining who leads U.S. research institutions, Larry D. Singell Jr., Hui-Hsuan Tang
- The effect of immigration on the school performance of natives: Cross country evidence using PISA test scores, Giorgio Brunello, Lorenzo Rocco
- The full extent of student-college academic undermatch, Jonathan Smith, Matea Pender, Jessica Howell
- Can failure succeed? Using racial subgroup rules to analyze the effect of school accountability failure on student performance, David P. Sims
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