Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2020

Revista Española de Educación Comparada (REEC)

 N° 36, juillet-décembre 2020

 owards the end of E&T 2020: Path and new direction of the Educational Policy of the European Union


MONOGRAPHIC: Towards the end of E&T 2020: Path and new direction of the Educational Policy of the European Union

  • The outstanding challenges of the European Strategy 2020. A presentation?, Enric Prats
  • Education and Europeanism, a transnational meeting itinerary, Juan Tomás Asenjo, Félix Asenjo Gómez
  • European cooperation in vocational education and training: towards a common ambition, Irene Psifidou, Antonio Ranieri
  • The European University: between Bologna and the Agenda 2020, Ernesto Colomo Magaña, Francisco Esteban Bara
  • What educational pact do we need in Spain to fulfill the indicators of et 2020?, Carlos Novella García
  • After 2020… Towards an European Education Area in 2025, María Matarranz, Javier M. Valle, Jesús Manso


  • Bilingual Education in the U.S.: Programs, perspectives, challenges, and lessons, David Nieto
  • Two hygiene schools in Barcelona: From Escuela del Mar (1922) and Pere Vergés to Escuela 26 de enero (1943) and Enric Gibert, Jordi Brasó, Xavier Torrebadella Flix


  • E-learning in 15 days. Challenges and renovations in Primary and Secondary Education of the Republic of Croatia during the COVID-19 crisis. How have we Introduced distance Learning?, Alicia Sianes Bautista, Encarnación Sánchez Lissen


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