Higher Education Quaterly
Vol. 78, n°1,1/2024
- New challenges and aspirations for Higher Education Quarterly, Tatiana Fumasoli, João M. Santos
- The role of university leaders in a political crisis: Students' perspectives from Hong Kong, William Yat Wai Lo, Euan Auld
- Outlining inbreeding in the Brazilian higher education system, Luís Filipe de Miranda Grochocki, Andrea Felippe Cabello
- A new contextual and comprehensive application of the UTAUT2 model post-COVID-19 pandemic in higher education, Jashwini Narayan, Samantha Naidu
- Gender inequality in academic leadership: Bangladesh, China and Finland, Vuokko Kohtamäki, Gaoming Zheng, Nasrin Jinia
- To moonlight or not to moonlight: The role of organisational commitment dimensions in secondary employment decisions among higher education teachers, Bommakanti Sai Manogna, T. N. V. R. Swamy
- Utilising the potential of job postings for auditing learning outcomes and improving graduates' chances on the labour market, Danuta Piróg, Adam Hibszer
- Mixed methods study on foreign early career academics' sense of knowledge and intellectual development, Yusuke Sakurai, Shizuki Saruta, Wenjuan Cheng
- Broken engagement: The role of grit and LMX in enhancing faculty engagement, Yvonne Downie Hanley, Sherry A. Maykrantz, Jeffery D. Houghton
- Becoming a university leader: Changes in publication patterns, Daria Gerashchenko
- University students' academic grit and academic achievements predicted by subjective well-being, coping resources, and self-cultivation characteristics, Gal Harpaz, Tal Vaizman, Yosi Yaffe
- Beyond borders: Achieving research performance breakthrough with academic collaborations, Elena Veretennik, Elena Shakina
- Master's programmes at Sino-foreign cooperative universities in China: An analysis of the neoliberal practices, Mei Lai, Jisun Jung
- Understanding organizational identity in universities: Unravelling autonomy, governance and leadership in the case of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Abraham C. Flipse, Floris J. N. van Berckel Smit, Jeroen Huisman
- What is higher education to contemporary students in Germany?, Gregor Schäfer
- Perceived academic success of students during the third wave of COVID-19, Akhlas Ismail, Miriam Schiff, Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Rami Benbenishty
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