Vol. 3, 2023
Vivre les langues au musée II
Editorial, rédaction de Babylonia
- Introduction, Laura Loder Büchel et Karine Lichtenauer
- Ausstellung Landesmuseum Zürich : «Sprachenland. Die Schweiz im Spiegel ihrer Sprachen» - 3 Fragen an...
Il racconto
- Il pubblico è mobile, Giuliana Santoro
- The teacher and the arts educator at the interface of museum and school-based language learning Sinje Steinmann, an experienced arts educator based in Berlin, in dialogue with Lynn Williams, an English teacher and teacher educator living in north-western Switzerland, Lynn Williams et Sinje Steinmann
- Virtualmente visitati, materialmente descritti Apprendimento linguistico al museo con testi e reperti di ambito archeologico, Debora Gay
- Une peinture sur vase grec à l’Antikenmuseum de Bâle (BS 477) : une esquisse d’exploitation didactique, Carlamaria Lucci
- La lecture d'une inscription romaine - une communication diachronique, Antje Kolde et Catherine Fidanza
- Vivre le plurilinguisme au/par le musée : Une expérience de partenariat multi-sites à Montevideo en Uruguay, Raquel Carinhas, Maria Helena Araújo e Sá et Danièle Moore
- Trasportarsi al museo mitenand: un’esperienza al Museo dei Trasporti di Lucerna per preparare le classi delle scuole medie ticinesi all’apprendimento del tedesco, Sabine Christopher et Barbara Somenzi
- The Art Museum as a Place for Language Learning: Opening Spaces, Reducing Inhibitions, Utilizing Potentials, Jutta Rymarczyk
- VTS: From the Museum into the ENL Classroom, Tom Meyer et Beth Clark-Gareca
- ChatGPT, can you create a didactic scenario for language teaching in a museum?
- General Considerations for Foreign Language Instruction with Museum Visits, Laura Buechel et Karine Lichtenauer
- From Structured Input to Purposeful Output. An example with the French imparfait/passé composé distinction, Laurene Glimois
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